In recent months, more and more rumors have appeared in the media that the Warcraft universe is about to return to the movie screens. However, this time, Legendary Pictures will have to be very careful in choosing a theme for the film, because an attempt to tell about the universe Warcraft, by the timeline of the games, was a flop – the original film was not widely accepted. So what should it be about Warcraft 2 to attract both fans and outside audiences to theaters? has identified four stories from the world of World of Warcraft that would be perfect for the continuation.
Arthas becomes the Lich King
The most obvious option of all. Arthas’ story is the hallmark of the Warcraft universe. The Fallen Prince of Lordaeron can be called one of the most popular video game characters in the 21st century. In addition, other characters familiar to a wide audience are involved in this story – Jaina, Sylvanas, Uther and Kel’Thuzad.
Arthas Menethil
The Warcraft III People’s campaign is great for film adaptation. There is almost everything for this: the tragic transformation of the protagonist under the influence of circumstances, a sad love line, many battles, moral dilemmas about little evil done for the sake of good, a turning point and extremely strong from an emotional point of view episode with the burning of Stratholme and, of course, a dramatic ending in which Arthas becomes a slave to Frostmourne. Such a story will appeal even to those who are completely unfamiliar with the world of Warcraft. At the same time, the director can borrow the plot from the undead campaign, which fans will surely be very happy about.
Illidan’s story arc also includes many other famous characters in the universe, from the prophet Velen to Kael’thas. Illidan may still be inferior to Arthas in popularity, but the gap is not that great. In the end, one phrase “You are not ready!” in the trailer is enough to make millions of fans old school and rush to book tickets.
Thrall’s Ascent and the Battle of Mount Hyjal
Childhood, spent by Thrall in captivity of people, his love, becoming as a person and the subsequent rebellion in the fortress of Lord Blackmoore with the destruction of the concentration camp for orcs Are not the most famous events in Warcraft history. They are described primarily in official books and comics. However, unlike the story taken for the first film Warcraft, this arc features the favorite of all Horde fans – Thrall. The more famous Orc in the Warcraft universe simply does not exist.
Through Thrall, you can show the path of the formation of the Horde, the journey across the sea to Kalimdor and the construction of Orgrimmar. The story of his uneasy relationship with Jaina, which was overshadowed by Thrall’s battle with her father, as well as the destruction of Theramore (although this will be much later), fits perfectly here. Plus, all of this was shown in Warcraft III, so it should be close to a wider audience of gamers. The climax of the story can be the battle for Mount Hyjal, in which the combined forces of the Horde and the night elves were able to cope with the invasion of the demons of the Burning Legion and kill their leader Archimonde, defending the world tree of Nordrassil. Here you will find epic battles, interracial showdowns, and several key characters for the universe. And besides them – hordes of demons, familiar locations and, of course, cute night elves and fireflies. That’s really who was missing in the first film!
Welcome to Northrend
Arthas’s story can be told in reverse, starting with the plot of Wrath of the Lich King. In this expansion, literally all of Azeroth traveled to Northrend to take revenge on the traitorous prince. Through flashbacks and dialogues, you can reveal the motivation of Jaina, who still hopes to find the remnants of humanity in Arthas, or Sylvanas, who only wants revenge for the destruction of her people.
This way of storytelling is likely to leave a fair amount of questions for people unfamiliar with the Wakraft universe, but for fans of the series it will be interesting to look at familiar events from this angle. At the same time, those who stopped at the third part of the strategy and did not go to WoW will be curious to see what Arthas was like as the Lord of the Scourge, because he did not waste time! Particular attention in this film should be paid to the psychology of the character and how the Lich King got rid of the humanity within himself and drowned out the voices of those who tried to influence his personality.
The Lich King
In addition, the filmmakers will have the entire continent of Northrend at their disposal, which was perfectly designed in Wrath of the Lich King. If you canonically follow the plot of the add-on, then there will be a place for the Old Gods and the Vrykul with their incredibly beautiful Howling Fjord, and instead of the faceless forests familiar to the viewers of the first part, after disembarking to Icecrown, the heroes will make their way through the picturesque Grizzly Hills.
All known characters will be involved in this story. Moreover, the lines of not only the main characters, but also minor ones, such as Varok Saurfang, who will lose here his son Dranosh, who fell at the hands of Arthas, the paladin Bolvar, and many others, can become interesting.
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