The love of brothers and sisters is one of the strongest and most uncompromising, and even a cancer diagnosis cannot destroy it. The heroes of the special project and the Konstantin Khabensky Charitable Foundation were Dima Petrovsky and Seryozha Pushkarev – in their families, younger brothers and sisters faced oncology face to face. We talked to them about how esports and gaming can help you cope with sadness and anxiety for your loved ones.
According to opinion polls, a third of Russians are sure that cancer is incurable and always leads to death. This stereotype is dangerous, because it often leads to late diagnosis of cancer. We want to change this. The Konstantin Khabensky Charitable Foundation, which helps children with cancer and other severe brain diseases, has launched a social project. Its purpose is to demonstrate that cancer is not a death sentence, it will # cure. As part of a social campaign, of which the project with has become a part, hundreds of people talk about how they defeated oncology, but not their habits. You can find out their stories on the website
If a family member has an oncological disease, then hospital wards and fear for a loved one appear in the usual course of life. In addition, even in the happiest family there is a place for jealousy, because parents always devote more time and attention to a child who is sick. Our heroes are united by the fact that they worry about their loved ones, but at such a young age it is too painful to talk about the illness of a brother or sister openly.
Dima Petrovsky – CS: GO fan and future esports player
At the age of 10, Dima is an avid CS: GO player and a fan of the Natus Vincere esports team. Most of all he likes Alexander s1mple Kostylev, he considers him the best player in the world and even wants to be like him.
Dima Petrovsky – s1mple fan
Dima told us that his brother is still too young to share this hobby with him – he is only four years old. Although the game more than once helped him to forget about problems and “relieve stress”. Dima cannot hide the sadness in his voice when it comes to his younger brother, besides, the boy is trying his best to translate the topic, talking about problems with the Steam account, which “suddenly” requested authorization.
Dima also has an older sister. She graduated from art school and entered the faculty of digital design – our hero really likes to watch how she draws and programs.
Dima has decided on his future profession: he wants to become an esports player in CS: GO. He argues his arguments in an adult way – it is immediately clear that he began to weigh all the pros and cons long ago.
“I want to become an esports player, but I don’t think it will bring high income in the future. I know that cybersportsmen now earn a lot, but in the past, Internet cafes were also popular, but now they are not. ”
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