Push off the wall and punch the biker in the face with acceleration. Shove another, putting a comrade with a pistol under fire. Finally, go behind the back of the third and kick with your foot to make it easier to win on the next move. It seems that I managed to survive one more round without losses.
Fight in Tight Spaces gives you a powerful sense of flow, which was already evident in the demo released in January. There, players were encouraged to try out the first level and basic balanced deck without any bias. And even in this form, the game could easily captivate for a long time thanks to the elaboration of the main gameplay.
A few words about the plot: formally it is here, but it is presented in the spirit of the early id Software games. The hero works for a special unit dealing with the elimination of various criminal syndicates around the world. A briefing in a couple of lines is a sufficient introduction to the brutal massacre that our ward is arranging.
The card roguelike takes all the best from other representatives of the genre and modifies it so that the result is something unique. The base is reminiscent of Slay the Spire, one of the first experiments on crossing CCG and roguelikes: here you also have to move through a series of randomly placed obstacles, getting to the final boss. Most often, we are talking about individual levels at which you need to defeat opponents in an amount from three to six, using your deck. She, by the way, is gradually “pumped”: each passed location adds a new card to the hero’s arsenal, and the player independently chooses one of the three offered by the system.
On such a description, the game is almost no different from the above-mentioned Slay the Spire, but it has an important trump card up its sleeve – positioning on the map. Each arena is a small zone (most often 4 by 4 cells), the correct location on which can decide the outcome of the battle in a matter of moves. Separate cells allow you to “one-shot” a successfully standing enemy, simply pushing him out of the arena. Some abilities require the player to stand next to a wall in order to push off from it. Or vice versa – the enemy must be close to the obstacle so that the hero can “seal” it into a wall or on a tabletop.
Moving through the levels increases the complexity of battles: if at first the enemies attack rarely and weakly, then it will become more and more difficult to survive later – in which, however, new cards and abilities, which significantly improve the agent, help.
Do not forget that enemies can and should be “baited” for attacks: with correctly played cards, you can achieve that opponents deal with each other without player intervention. You can find out in advance what the bad guys are up to: the game demonstrates the direction of attack and specific unsafe cells, from which it would not hurt to leave as soon as possible.
The fun begins after new decks are unlocked that really change the way you play. If at the beginning only the balanced one from the demo is open, then later you can get access to a more aggressive deck, or, conversely, built on blocks and counterattacks (and after passing through – open the “Trickster” with an even more unusual set of techniques).
The basic deck offers a combination of simple techniques and blocks of incoming attacks, as well as dodging them in time. Aggressive is based on fast movements and more powerful attacks with the accumulation of the combo counter – it allows you to hit even more painfully. The latter deck for the most part requires the player to find the right place to passively stand and fight back those who are trying to break the hero’s face.
The refined gameplay is framed by an equally verified style: the levels are minimalist, opponents and the hero are presented in solid colors, and the sounds of impacts and background music finally finalize the desired atmosphere. The final version is perceived as a cross between “Raid” and Superhot – simplicity only emphasizes the quality animations and the overall brutality of what is happening. Fans of martial arts and good card games are strictly not recommended to pass by.
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