As everyone knows, gamers are always furious. And this is understandable: the games are simply filled with all sorts of annoying things. Somewhere users are held for idiots, explaining how to press the buttons for three hours, and elsewhere they are given fighters with the intelligence of potatoes as partners. In this article we will talk about some of the most frustrating cases.
Unmissable learning
Learning to play video games is a very good thing in itself. There is always the possibility that this particular title is the first shooter, race or platformer in a person’s life. But sometimes (and to be honest, almost all the time), developers underestimate the learnability of users too much.
Everyone understands that the vast majority of gamers are already familiar with games and typical keyboard and gamepad layouts. However, at the beginning of almost every game, we are again reminded to walk through WASD, and shoot by pressing LMB. At the same time, everything happens, as a rule, very slowly and boringly, and sometimes even on a specially designated test area.
It’s a little dirty for now, but you go through
An unfinished title full of bugs will inevitably spoil the first impressions of yourself, and it is far from a fact that these flaws will be eliminated before release. In the case of the indie scene, this is forgivable – there may be no other way out. But when big studios and publishers start releasing games in Early Access, it’s hard to come up with an excuse for them. Such projects include DiRT Rally from Codemasters or Baldur’s Gate 3 from Larian – both studios, although independent (Codemasters were independent at that time), are far from small.
The authors of large-budget projects, as the name implies, do not need immediate funding – they, unlike indie developers, can wait until release and not die of hunger. In addition, they have the opportunity to hire real QA specialists, and not use the free (and sometimes money-making) bug reports of ordinary gamers. Несмотря на это, многомиллиардные корпорации не стесняются требовать денег за полуфабрикат, просят помогать в его тестировании, а от всех жалоб отбиваются фразой «Это же бета, чего вы хотели?».
Это были десять (или чуть больше) самых раздражающих вещей в видеоиграх. Список, конечно, получился очень субъективным, иначе никак. Возможно, в него стоило бы внести подводные уровни вместо миссий на время, слишком ранний анонс вместо раннего доступа, а также региональные ограничения в магазинах, непропускаемые анимации или что-то ещё. Пишите в комментариях, что вас раздражает в играх больше всего.