I have to say right away – in my opinion, there is no game cooler than Resident Evil 4 in the world. It combines addictive gameplay, variability of leveling and locations, as well as a huge number of interesting plot moves. This is a great game that even 15 years after the release looks solid.
In mid-April, rumors appeared on the network that Capcom was preparing its rethinking. Just a couple of days before that, I once again went through the original Resident Evil 4 and … I realized that the game can really be made even better – with a few changes.
Remove tank control
A possible change of control is one of the main reasons to wait for the Resident Evil 4 remake. In the original game, the main character can only run forward, therefore, to go around the corner, he needs to turn the “chassis” in the necessary direction. This used to seem like a strange “find”, but now it can even be bewildering for users who are used to the convenience of modern games.
Ideal for authors to take a control model straight from Resident Evil 2 Remake. In it, the main character can move in the direction that the user points, and is also able to shoot on the run.
Add a safe for storing items
Oddly enough, in Resident Evil 4 there is no way to dump extra items in a special box. And this despite the fact that such mechanics are present in older parts and in their remakes.
In part, the absence of the chest is compensated by the fact that the inventory is divided into two parts: the main and additional. In the first lie weapons, ammunition and more, and in the second Leon puts up keys to open doors and jewelry. However, the presence of a chest would still make life easier for users and save them from indignation at those rare moments when there is not enough space in the backpack for a pack of cartridges … well, or for a rocket launcher.
Make QTE optional or completely remove
Resident Evil 4 was one of the first games to popularize the so-called Quick Time Events – special inserts into videos, during which the player must quickly press buttons to move on. In the Quartet this is found everywhere: during battles, in cut scenes, in battles with bosses.
I’m not saying that in RE4 they were bad. Some of them take fights to a whole new level – to recall at least the scene with Jack Krauser. In it, you need to carefully monitor the actions of the mercenary and react to them so that Leon does not receive a fatal stab with a knife.
Now many refuse QTE so that the player at least rests a bit while watching cut scenes. Most modern users are not used to them, so in QTE games they either don’t include at all, or they make it possible to remove them in the settings. RE4 is definitely not a hindrance.
Completely redo the battle with Jack Krauser
Speaking of Jack Krauser: the battle with him needs to be worked out and changed in detail. In the original game, Leon needs to go through the maze and find two parts of the ornament that opens the door to the next location. The third piece of this mosaic must be taken from Krauser himself, before killing him. But here everything is not so simple – before the start of the battle, a two-minute timer starts, during which you need to kill Krauser and have time to run to the exit.
The first part of this battle is extremely dull. Leon just has to run through the maze and sometimes shoot at Krauser so that he disappears again and again in the flash of a light grenade. This is a useless and very drawn out piece that can be safely cut out of the game.
But the final battle is worth changing – add more interactive elements, expand Krauser’s arsenal and remove this unnecessary timer. The authors have a very wide space for maneuver to improve the battle with such a bright villain.
Make Ashley Smarter
My most unloved element of the game are episodes in which Leon has to patronize Ashley. Game designers made the girl completely helpless. She stands behind the protagonist and does nothing to help him. And when she is surrounded by enemies, Ashley just sits in place and waits for her to be properly axed or seized.
I wish Ashley had a stronger influence on the gameplay. You can add useful functions to it – make it a full-fledged partner, and not a burden. She can do it! There is an episode in the campaign when you need to play for Ashley: there she can collect ammo and even rush into enemies with kerosene lamps. Why doesn’t she always do this?
Extend the storyline of Luis Serra
The mysterious Spaniard repeatedly appears in Resident Evil 4, but his story can be found only from scattered notes around the world. From them it becomes known that initially Louis worked together with the main villain and developed parasite samples for him that infected all the enemies in the game. However, when Louis found out about Saddler’s true plans, he tried to disrupt them, for which he paid.
In the remake, the writers will have a great opportunity to expand the story of Louis and better talk about his motives, because in the original game he was introduced as if for show.
Make more characters and maps for Mercenaries
“Mercenaries” is an unrealistically cool mode in which you could “stick” for a long time if there were more content in it. In Resident Evil 4, five heroes and four locations are available in it. I would like to see more diverse characters – for example, Saddler or Louis. And the number of cards can also be expanded – this will allow the game to keep a good online longer.
The exact release date for the Resident Evil 4 remake is unknown. Insiders say the release is scheduled for 2023, and the game has been in development since 2018. That is, the authors had four years to improve or even surpass the original. I want to believe that this time they will do much better than they did with Resident Evil 3.