Far Cry 3’s Vaas Montenegro once said, “It’s crazy to repeat the same thing, hoping for a different result.” No wonder we decided to repeat our article about the craziest things gamers do. This time we’ll talk about love without borders, China’s most unflappable gamer, and how games turn into a terrible punishment.
Crazy Courts
Litigation over video games is no longer a surprise. News about such lawsuits constantly appears on the network – some are trying to ban loot boxes, others are defending copyrights for tattoos, and others are declaring “crusades” against entire platforms. Basically, such precedents occur abroad, but there were several in Russia, and some of them turned out, to put it mildly, unusual.
In 2015, information appeared on the open spaces of the Runet that a resident of Krasnoyarsk filed a lawsuit at Bethesda and SoftClub. In the lawsuit, he demanded from the developer and his Russian publisher compensation for moral damage in the amount of RUB 500 thousand, as well as RUB 250 thousand as a fine provided for by the consumer protection law.
The player was so into Fallout 4 that he completely abandoned everything else, including family and career. The wife filed for divorce after the gamer stopped paying attention to her and helping her in every possible way, and also began to swear regularly. He was dismissed from his job due to systematic absenteeism and neglect. In addition, the player developed health problems – pains in the head and abdomen, poor appetite, etc.
According to the plaintiff, all these terrible things could have been avoided if the publisher on the game’s website indicated that Fallout 4 is “psychologically addictive.” It was with her that the gamer explained his life troubles. How the story ended is unknown. On the network, you can find only a scan of the claim, but there is no confirmation that it reached the court. There is not a single case against Bethesda in the online files of Krasnoyarsk courts. In addition, information about the claim was removed from the website of the law firm that represented the claimant.
The second equally controversial case occurred in the summer of 2023. One of the players complained lawyer that the passage of The Last of Us Part II plunged him into depression and allegedly caused PTSD – it occurs in people who have experienced hostilities, violence and other similar events.
The player not only wanted to receive compensation for moral damage from Sony and Naughty Dog, but also put forward a proposal to ban action for people under 25 years old. Currently, The Last of Us Part II in Russia is available from the age of 18, but this qualification seemed insufficient to a 21-year-old gamer.
As with Fallout 4’s crumbling family, the fate of the lawsuit against Naughty Dog is unknown. A couple of days after the first news, the lawyer said that he was “communicating with the studio,” but since then has not published new information about the case.
Mad romance v.2.0
In the last article on crazy deeds, we already mentioned gamers in love. Among them, for example, was a Call of Duty player who married a girl who constantly killed him in multiplayer matches. Their wedding was probably funny, but on the scale of madness, it clearly does not reach the Japanese.
In Japan, it is generally difficult to surprise someone. To do this, you need to do something completely extraordinary. For example, marrying a video game character.
One of the first such cases happened back in 2009, when a gamer nicknamed Sal9000 came to the ceremony with a Nintendo DS console on which his fiancée was kept. The gamer married Nena Anegasaki, the character of the LovePlus dating simulator. The marriage, by the way, was not officially recognized – perhaps due to the fact that Anegasaki-san is a schoolgirl, or perhaps because she is fictional.
The Sal9000 example proved to be contagious. Now in Japan you can even order services weddings in virtual reality. They look almost like ordinary ones, only there is no bride in the church, the groom is wearing a VR headset, and he kisses fake lips on a stick.
Of course, few people take these weddings too seriously. Building a life together with 2D-chan, which has fifty lines, is problematic. Or not?
In 2018 the Japanese Kondo Akihiko got married on the virtual singer and heroine of numerous games Hatsune Miku. This one differs from many other similar cases in that the couple really lives in marriage (well, or something similar), and the wedding (worth $ 1.5 million) was not a simple performance.
The thing is that Hatsune Miku is so popular that her image was used to create a virtual assistant like Siri or Alice. Kondo can communicate with his wife on various topics, in addition, she wakes him up in the morning, and also operates the smart home systems. According to him, he does not need real women, he always had problems with them. A Japanese man claims that dating a man is like dating a woman for a gay man.
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