In the 2010s, with the release of Frozen Synapse and XCOM: Enemy Unknown, a new era of turn-based tactics began. As sales have shown, gamers are clearly hungry for games of this genre, so the developers had a huge scope for self-expression in the half-forgotten territory. In this article we will discuss the best representatives of the genre, released from 2015 to 2023.
Xcom 2
You can argue for a long time about whether XCOM: Enemy Unknown is the best turn-based tactics. The number of arguments for and against this claim is simply overwhelming. But one thing cannot be denied for sure – the title had a tremendous impact on the new wave of popularity of the genre. You can understand this if only because many describe turn-based tactics with the phrase: “play like XCOM”.
The sequel tried to introduce as much as possible: the base became mobile, the stealth phase of the battle was added, the opponents changed, and even the setting became more partisan. Nevertheless, the backbone that remembered Enemy Unknown and who migrated to dozens of other titles remained unchanged.
In XCOM 2, a player controls a squad on an isometric map with a full and partial cover system. The initiative is replaced by a team – that is, all friendly units go first, then all hostile ones, and so on. At the same time, each fighter has two action points that can be spent on moving, using abilities, patrolling or attack, which will immediately end the turn.
If you’ve never tried turn-based tactics, XCOM 2 is a great entry point. The card generator, pumping, add-ons and mods guarantee not only a long duration of games, but also provide the title with enviable replay value. If you are haunted by some nuance from XCOM, today you can easily find a more suitable analogue for you.
- Want something less ambitious, with mixed initiative and more casual? there is XCOM: Chimera Squad.
- Too few action points? If the aliens are not tired, then recently released Gears tactics solves this problem – it has not only three ODs by default, but also the ability to collect them using executions.
- Do not like the system for calculating the odds of hitting a miss with an accuracy of 99%? In post-apocalyptic Mutant Year Zero: Road to Eden there are 100% shots, as well as a research stage and registered characters.
- AT Hard west with this, everything is somewhat more interesting – luck, which can not only be measured, but also spent on superpowers, has a great influence on probability. In the set – romance and mysticism of the Wild West.
- Not enough stealth? there is Rebel copswhere the partisan cops prefer to act quietly, because each cartridge costs money, and every wound is fatal.
- Even Nintendo fans have their own XCOM – Mario + rabbids.
Into the breach
The XCOM series has spawned many similar games, each of which is remarkable in its own way. Because of them, you sometimes even forget that turn-based tactics are by no means reduced to hide and seek in shelters and prayers to the almighty random.
For example, in Into the Breach there is neither one nor the other, but this does not make it less step-by-step or tactical. Quite the contrary – due to clear rules and the absence of accidents in this game, you can accurately calculate events for several moves, not relying on luck. The user knows for certain what consequences each of his actions will have, therefore he cannot blame the system in case of loss.
The games in the game turned out to be relatively short due to the small size of the field and the small number of deployed units. Nevertheless, there are a lot of variables so that the geniuses of mathematics do not get bored after five minutes. Variety in the game is made by improved mechs, pilots with their perks, card features, as well as enemies – giant insects of all kinds and colors.