We are born too late to discover new lands, and too early to conquer the stars. But not everything is so sad – once again video games come to the rescue. They can save the galaxies and destroy ancient empires, build rockets and explore distant planets, and along the way also give birth to a bunch of blue kids. In this article we will talk about the best space games from a wide variety of genres.
Mass Effect trilogy
Action-RPG trilogy Mass effect – This is a classic cosmoopera. From Star Wars, she got an epic story about the fight against an unknown evil and “cosmic magic” – biotic abilities. And from the “Star Trek” in the game there was an opportunity to twist novels with aliens and a charismatic captain.
In Mass Effect, people coexist with several other races and together form a galactic community. In the course of the plot, we will visit many exotic worlds and meet with various aliens – some of them are asexual and mate by the union of the nervous systems, others have completely lost their immunity and run the risk of disappearing one day … And some of them, according to some scientists, may even exist !