Looking forward to Cyberpunk 2077? Can’t wait to plunge into a world where high technology coexists with low living standards, instability and social decline? So go outside – cyberpunk has already arrived in Russia, and we are ready to prove it with the help of memes.
By plane, by train, by car
The most beautiful thing about cyberpunk is urbanization. Cities not only absorb the last islets of wildlife, but also grow together to form huge megalopolises. The only problem (aside from slums, overpopulation, crime and the premium package of environmental disasters) is that you can’t get very far on your own two feet. Therefore, we will begin our walk with the choice of transport.
Metro is a 19th century technology. I know we all thought that in the future we would get teleporters or at least super-fast monorails, but it didn’t work out. But underground, you can safely immerse yourself in cyberspace using portable virtual reality glasses. Otherwise, you have to enjoy the view from the window.
Source: Cyberpunk 2077 memes / facebook.com
Incidentally, this is what I most do not understand in the subway. Why are there windows in his cars? Looking at the inspiring scenery of bare walls and electrical wiring? It is much more pleasant to travel by bus in our cities. The majestic skyscrapers of glass and concrete, in the penthouses of which the heads of corporations decide the fate of the world, catch the eye. And the overflow of neon advertising is in no way inferior to the most beautiful sunsets … Probably. Who remembers what they looked like?
Source: mikhatechnik / pikabu.ru
Attractions and entertainment of the cyberpunk era
Decided on your transportation and now ready to take in the sights of the cyberpunk era? Great, let’s go out of town. Well, not entirely out of town – let’s call it a place where the height of buildings does not interfere with flying satellites. Here you can see a real miracle – live cows.
In the cyberpunk world, there are too many people and too few natural resources, so most people eat synthetic foods. Natural food is available only to the wealthiest – corporate executives, media stars and others. Especially for them on farms near Moscow raise these wonderful cows. And in order to bring their living conditions closer to natural, they wear VR glasses on animals and broadcast green meadows.
Source: LiLTrust / pikabu.ru
What should be a cyberpunk with a Russian soul? If you ask cranberry lovers, then it should have hackers from the KGB, the Internet with coupons and a cyberbalalaika built into the hand. We’d better take a look at something more lyrical – for example, birches that are dear to our hearts. But since we live in the era of cyberpunk, our trees are not ordinary, but electric ones – with sockets, automatic devices and even fire alarms. Perhaps they also distribute Wi-Fi.
“So, what should we do if there is no money?” – you ask. “Earn them,” I will answer. If finances are singing romances, all that remains of entertainment is cyberspace. Take a look around, virtual and augmented reality glasses are the latest fashion. They will not only tell you the route to the best yarn shop, but also notify you if the bus you want is coming to meet you. In addition, the Pro version offers access to a government-guaranteed package of 20 federal TV channels.
Source: Cyberpunk 2077 memes / facebook.com
A soldier in cyberspace, and the service is on
But we will definitely not go here – a closed area guarded by the military. They believe that cybernetic augmentation should primarily serve the defense of the homeland. Brave soldiers, warrant officers and officers are ready to go to dangerous medical operations in order to protect the borders of the Motherland day and night and notice violators even in the most extreme conditions. And thanks to this improvement, it is not visible that you are sleeping in your outfit.
Source: DeDPerdun, Shnobel123 / pikabu.ru
We are glad that cyber-protesters keep our peace, but we can never relax, because the cybersecurity of the homeland begins with each of us. Choose complex passwords that contain mixed case letters, numbers, special characters, and at least one logarithmic function. In addition, it is important to remember to regularly and thoroughly calibrate smart home systems – this saves lives and prevents drafts.
Cyber social state
By the way, the walk has dragged on, how are your batteries doing there? Whoever you are – a rockerboy from Yekaterinburg, a corporation from Moscow City or a nomad from the Siberian wastelands – don’t forget to keep an eye on your augmentations and other cybernetics. Checking the battery charge before leaving the house is not only very practical – it is also a testament to good manners. After all, you never know who will need a public charging station and in what emergency.
Source: FridayJew / pikabu.ru
“Technology should serve people and provide them with a better life,” says classic science fiction. Break off, cyberpunk tells us. On the other hand, it cannot be said that progress did not affect the level of social services in any way – cyber clinics, cyber-housing and communal services and, above all, cyber-mail have become an integral part of the life of every cyber-Russian. Just watch your head, most of these buildings were renovated the last time no one knew the words “cyber” or “punk”, and possibly even “post.”
What? Hurts badly? And I warned you. But it’s okay, there is a cyber clinic nearby, and if a wall falls on you there, then at least there will be doctors nearby. And don’t worry – cyberpunk medicine has gone a long way. It used to be, in barbaric times, bones were spliced and injuries were operated on. Now all civilized people understand that human organs are only a temporary inconvenience on the way to a bright digital future. The operations take a few minutes, literally: I fell into the technician’s chair, woke up – augmentation. And there are already mantis blades, and flamethrowers, and diamonds – everything that your heart desires.
Source: Cyberpunk We Deserve / vk.com
They say that the most unpleasant thing about cyberpunk is that it is already coming. Indeed, the reality around us is increasingly reminiscent of the works of science fiction writers – and far from those who looked to the future with optimism. But be that as it may, if you treat everything with humor, it becomes easier to perceive the approach of cyberpunk.
Source: Sergio Benelli / coub.com
Author of the title image – Evgeny Zubkov, art project MXD