Finding a guild in World of Warcraft: Shadowlands is not easy. Some players are lucky, and they find their future “family” in raids or even during pumping, but such fateful meetings do not happen often. Usually, a young Padawan is forced to go through many options, even if he does not expect to conquer high-level content among the first. How do I find a good guild in WoW? Understand what exactly you need!
Guilds in WoW can be divided into four types according to their occupation: PvP, PvE, RP and “we play everything because it’s fun” – the latter type does not need any special introduction, but I will tell you about the first three separately.
World of Warcraft Guild Gathering
Guilds of any of these types can be either hardcore or casual. Yes, there are also “casual” roleplaying fans! They devote little time to the entourage and sometimes fall out of the role, but they are happy to join mass events and conduct very entertaining dialogues in the guild chat.
Guilds of interest, whose members are not interested in playing the character or in grinding any ladders, also exist. Their members love to sit on the heap with the whole crowd and speculate that the grass in Azeroth used to be greener. True, getting into such guilds has its own difficulties – recruitment is usually closed, but nevertheless, it is customary to dislike newcomers who have made their way, because they often try to stir up old people and go on a hike for prey.
PvP gods and their minions
PvP-oriented guilds prefer to spend time in the battlefields and arenas. This does not mean that their members do not visit raids or Mythic dungeons at all, but they do it with great reluctance: usually there are enough teammates at most for one high-level key per week in order to get new items. The main guild time is spent on increasing the rating in the PvP season.
Casual PvP guilds most often do not have a clear schedule, players communicate online and are often divided into small groups of three to five people – they both have time to escape to the arena and to look into the dungeon. In such guilds, two elemental events are possible: global PvP during various events, as well as rated battlegrounds.
Alliance Flag in Warsong Gulch in World of Warcraft
Hardcore PvP guilds are most often assembled precisely to increase the rating in massive 10×10 battles. Of course, such gamers go to the arena no less willingly, but the farm of the RBG (as the rating battleground in WoW is most often called, from the English.Rated Battlegrounds) takes place on a clear schedule. However, if you are an excellent fighter and regularly reach the rank of “Gladiator”, then you can join a hardcore PvP guild even without plans for an RBG.
Rogues in the open world are very strange characters …
In these teams, experienced fighters share tips in chat or on Discord, so you can always improve your game or become a mentor for someone else. If you do not have a constant “three” or “two”, then in PvP guilds it is easiest to find a good partner with a convenient prime and a sufficient level of play for you.
PvE Crabs and Hall of Fame Fans
PvE guilds are the most common guilds in World of Warcraft. The variety and constant updating of this type of content helps players not get bored, destroying monsters and enjoying the storyline of the largest MMORPG in the world. With the addition of the ability to turn off global PvP into the game, gamers may not conflict with other players at all and methodically exterminate local monsters.
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