Longest-running expansion in World of Warcraft history Battle for Azeroth has come to an end, now the longest-ever MMORPG from Blizzard awaits us. How to entertain yourself in the game while the developers bring Shadowlands to mind? Get some tips.
Set yourself up a solo challenge
I know many gamers who are very surprised by the sandbox genre. They say that in Minecraft there is no goal as such, why play it at all – you have to entertain yourself. And in WoW, it turns out, there is no need if the main content of the addon has already been completed? In my opinion, this is not the case. Yes, global tasks like defeating the Burning Legion or the Old God N’Zoth are left behind, but small (or maybe, oh, how huge!) Challenges are always available to players.
One of the most famous solo challenges in WoW was invented by a user under the nickname Doubleagent. Once he created a pandaren shaman and did not choose the Horde or Alliance faction, but was able to get to the maximum level. Since then, with each new addition, he repeats his “feat”, endlessly collecting grass and ore on the Wandering Isle. In honor of this player, Blizzard even added an unusual NPC to WoW – the Venerable Shaman. He also roams the island, wearing a replica of the Doubleagent armor, and gathering resources. Perhaps you too can come up with a cool challenge and get your own NPC. By the way, in Shadowlands, the amount of experience gained for collecting herbs and ores will be reduced, so I do not recommend blindly following the example of the Doubleagent.
Destroy as many Horde and Alliance players as possible
World PvP in the current version of World of Warcraft is more of a myth than reality. Blizzard is trying with all its might to restore the spirit of battles between players in an open field, but after Legion, where even in the story the Horde and the Alliance concluded a truce in the face of a common enemy, this is difficult to do. Often in locations you can see a situation like an orc with a straight back, who will never again be a slave, humbly waiting on the sidelines until the Alliance paladin finishes the local quest.
Source: Wowhead
But there are still exceptions. In the new addon, Blizzard is rewarding players who enjoy global PvP through achievements. If you still haven’t made achievements “Thunderstorm of the Horde“And”Alliance Thunder“- what are you waiting for?
Many PvE players dislike PvP, but Blizzard is adding mixed pastime options to the game. For example, in the Nazjatar location, every hour you can capture flags or fight players for mini-bosses. This is certainly not the Lake of Ice Eyes, which many people miss, but also not bad. As a reward, you can still get the currency for which cute trinkets are sold.
If you have already tried all this, then it’s time to learn how to kill players of the opposite faction in the most strange ways. We more than once wrote about a paladin under the nickname Rextroy, who finds bugs and features in World of Warcraft and demonstrates them on YouTube. He recently figured out how to kill enemies with a consumable item – “Totem of the sea“. This enthusiast’s channel has dozens of strange ways to kill Horde players. Maybe you will be the paladin who turns Rextroy tokens against him?
Play on the RP server
Any hero needs rest, and it won’t hurt the player to get out of their comfort zone. Let the main character cheat in the prepatch. Time to create a new legend of Azeroth! Lumberjack, for example. Or a joiner. Or even arrange a wedding!
Game wedding in World of Warcraft
Playing on RP servers is not like the usual one: here you do not have to conquer dungeons and complete world quests. Role players have nowhere to rush, because the hero lives an ordinary life, and does not try to become a world-famous winner of dragons, liches and gods. Formerly author of Cybersport.ru Vyacheslav PilotBaker Ipatov toldhow RPG differs from regular WoW gameplay. Try it, suddenly you like it!
Unravel all the mysteries of World of Warcraft
Blizzard often adds Easter eggs to the game, so it cannot be said for sure that players know all the secrets of the world of World of Warcraft. Usually, dataminers are the first to learn about new MMORPG mysteries, discovering in the code the final reward for users who can figure it out. At the same time, even dataminers do not have access to the entire game code, and every user has a chance to discover something new.
Mount Hivemind is one of the unraveled secrets of World of Warcraft. Source: Wowhead
Players who love to spend time “usefully” talking to NPCs, buying useless items from merchants, making 144 clicks on rotten potatoes and looking for pieces of cat food on the floor of Karazhan are collected in Discord, on the server WoW Secret Finding… This unusual community already has more than 160 thousand members, and in the evenings more than 50 thousand people are online. Each of the enthusiasts is looking for signs that can lead to an Easter egg. Even if you are not going to do this forever, it will be interesting to meet new people and make friends with one of Azeroth’s stalkers during the patch!
Become the “Angel of Anarchy”
If you are an experienced player and at the start of add-ons, you usually deal with relevant content – new dungeons, raids and an increase in the seasonal PvP rating, then you hardly have time for pet battles. In the pre-patch, all the bosses are killed, and the PvP season is over, so it’s time to recall the challenges for companions.
Source: Blizzard
The BfA has expanded their list. Players now have access to the unusual Wailing Caverns, Deadmines, Stratholme, Gnomeregan and Blackrock Depths. These locations are familiar to all high-level users, since it is from them that the path of every character in WoW begins. Only in the case of pet challenges, the strength of your hero will not matter, only the size of the collection of pets is important. You can read more about the rarest and most valuable pets. here… For the successful completion of the tests of the most difficult level, the character will receive the title of “Angel of Anarchy” – beautiful, for my taste.
Get all available achievements in the game
It sounds like a lifelong activity, but if you don’t start, you will never get close to the end of the journey. It is currently impossible to get all the achievements in the game, because many of them have become “great deeds” long ago. However, it is still possible to enter the top 100 players in the world with the greatest number of achievements, especially since the “oldies” often forget about their hobby.
Source: infowow
Making all the achievements from scratch is a difficult task that is suitable for people with a solid bank account, without family, school or other worries. But to highlight some interesting quest chain, at the end of which the character will receive a rare title or item for transmogrification, while waiting for World of Warcraft: Shadowlands is a good idea. In 2015, I skipped the second half of the Warlords of Draenor expansion, tired of endlessly farming the garrison, and now I regret only one thing – I don’t have the cool title of “Queen of the Ravens” for my reputation with the Rogue Arakkoa tribe. Perhaps it’s time to do it. Maybe you also have a small dream for which you can spend a little time now.
Become a badass angler, baker or archaeologist
Many players pay attention only to the main professions with which you can earn gold or enhance the character’s equipment. Engineering and tailoring, alchemy and other crafts are probably pumped to the maximum, but additional ones – fishing, archeology and cooking – can be forgotten due to the large number of other tasks in Battle for Azeroth.
Put class if sometimes you’re an orc in the kitchen
Yes, in Shadowlands you will have to upgrade your crafts again, but in the pre-patch you can still enjoy, for example, catching the Great Sea Ray mount while fishing in BfA locations. Archeology in the Dark Lands, in principle, will not be available, and in order not to get bored, explore the antiquities of Kul Tiras and Zandalar in your free time. Cooking exotic dishes is worth doing for the soul and getting achievements for pumping a profession, because in the future you are unlikely to want to return to this occupation.
Upgrade a couple of violas
In the Shadowlands pre-patch, the maximum character level is 50. Blizzard felt that the number “120” scared off newcomers: some people thought that pumping heroes from scratch would be long and tedious. The developers rightly noted that the influx of new users is important, and therefore “flattened” the levels to such low values.
Along with decreasing the level of characters, equipment and numerical characteristics, Blizzard has simplified the pumping itself. From the first level, all beginners now have access to Exile’s Reach – I have already published a review of this amazing place. On the island, the newly created hero gains the tenth level in half an hour, and after that he gets the opportunity to go to any of the previously released locations and do quests there, simultaneously cleaning up familiar dungeons. If you do not rush too much, then pumping a character from scratch now takes at most a week. If you are in a hurry – a day. Speedrunners cope in 3 hours and 37 minutes.
Many users prefer to play the same character from addon to addon. By studying the abilities of your class and honing your skills in playing it, you can achieve good results in both PvP and PvE. However, many people, including me, get bored playing as one hero. The simplification of the leveling of new characters made me very happy, and by the time Shadowlands is released, my already rather large collection of heroes will certainly be replenished.
Play the black market auction
For the “rich Pinocchio” Blizzard came up with a special way to get rare items – the black market. There you can buy mounts, transmogrification, pets and other collectibles under the hammer. Very often, items are exhibited at the auction that cannot be obtained in another way.
Auction manager Madame Goya
Each lot on the black market has its own starting price, and the demand for items is also different. Do not expect to snatch the “Zulian Tiger” and other incredibly rare vehicles without a fight – most often, such lots will immediately receive a maximum bet of 9,999,999 gold. Stock up on this amount if you intend to bid for large production. More common items can be purchased for a much lower price.
Knock out new mounts
Some time ago, I was farming old raids every week to get rare mounts. I never got the Ashes of Al’ar, despite dozens of attempts, and the desire to continue has disappeared. The hikes for “Invincible” quickly got bored too. For several months I “took a break” from the treasure hunt from past add-ons, until I learned that the system for passing such content has changed in the Shadowlands prepatch.
Source: Wowhead
Blizzard has banned changing the difficulty of a dungeon during its passage. Now it takes much longer to clear a raid, and you always need to choose exactly the difficulty that drops valuable loot. I don’t know why, but having to play Icecrown Citadel again on Heroic difficulty for 25 players made me excited. Urgently for a dead horse!
These activities are just some of the fun you can think of during the “boring” time of the prepatch. Despite the postponement of the release of Shadowlands, you can still find a lot of interesting things in the game, there would be a desire. If not, relax in another game, reading books or watching movies. Meet me in the Dark Lands!