“The period of life associated with Virtus.prois coming to an end “- with these words Alexey Solo Berezin November 5 put a lyrical end to his four-year relationship with VP. The legendary roster, which for three years was the flagship of the CIS in Dota 2, ceased to exist, and young people came to replace it. Along with this, a whole era has gone, in which there were many victories, achievements and disappointments. Despite the difficulties in the team in the last season, in the hearts of the fans and the entire community, the Virtus.pro roster assembled by Berezin in 2016 will remain the brightest page in the club’s history. Cybersport.ru recalls why we fell in love with this roster.
Still a family
After the kick story Ilya lil me alone Ilyuka the word “family” in the context of Virtus.pro began to be perceived as something ironic or even negative, but this is not entirely true. Vladimir RodjER Nikoghosyan after moving to VP from NAVI, he noted that he needed time to adapt – it’s not so much about game interactions, but about the very structure of the team. Virtus.pro at that moment was really a family (although, like in any family, there were also quarrels), and the players really held on to each other.
Virtus.pro before lil me alone leaves
Virtus.pro was a team not only in matches or in training, but also outside Dota 2. The members of the roster tried to spend all their free time together, which was not enough during the seasons. Even without being inside the team, it was clear that the players enjoy each other’s company. In an interview, they said that together they go to cafes, on quests, to the cinema and even at bootcamps, they organize joint movie screenings, even though their tastes often differed in the choice of the latter. And this unity won over.
“Once I was sitting playing Detroit: Become Human, and the others were watching and commenting. I completely flunked the storyline: I destroyed my character, killed someone. In the end, I dropped it and said: “Guys, I’m merging.” Even when you make some choice in the game, everyone starts to hate you: “Ah-ah, what have you done ?!”. But if everything is done normally, and not like me then, then we love to play together. “
This Virtus.pro family also included the manager Roman Dvoryankin, together with the host Maria Ermolina – the team was a single whole. In esports, unlike football, there is not yet a particularly developed club commitment or the so-called locker room spirit – something that creates the magic of the team and turns spectators into truly loyal fans. So, Virtus.pro had it.
“We are a very friendly team, we do almost everything together. We spend time together, we joke. We have no hard feelings. Everything is on a positive wave. And we also have this trick: official games are training sessions, and training sessions are official games. Here we are playing the final, and we tell each other that this is just KV. And it doesn’t matter what happens. We play whoever wants and feels, without pressure. ”
Despite the failure at TI9 and the split in the squad after the tournament, the guys managed to maintain their friendship. They continue to upload photos from their vacation together, and recently even went to visit the RodjER family. This closeness of the players and the atmosphere of the squad attracted not only fans, but other esportsmen as well. Even before RodjER joined VP, he had already begun to communicate closely with future teammates. As the CEO said Natus Vincere, even at tournaments Nikoghosyan spent his free time not with his partners, but with Virtus.pro. I observed a similar situation at the Adrenaline Cyber Cup tournament in 2017, when Rostislav fn Lozovoy after the games I talked with Virtus.pro. Although it is clear that he would not have found a place in the composition, it was clear that Lozovoy was simply pleased with their company. Many esportsmen have repeatedly said that they would like to play in the same team with Solo and No[o]ne, simply because they are comfortable with them and they have themselves. This was also guided by Bakyt Zayac Emilzhanov, who left NAVI not for Virtus.pro, but for specific players. I wanted not only to root for Virtus.pro’s roster, but also to become a part of it.
Virtus.pro at The International 2018
Team play and the best combo wombo
The unification outside Dota 2 led to amazing synergy in matches. The players have repeatedly noted that the atmosphere in the team directly determines the result. According to Vladimir No[o]ne Minenko, the secret of a successful team is to “be good people, get along well with partners.” The ease of communication between Virtus.pro players helped them in preparing for tournaments.
“When I played Virtus.pro, bootcamps were a very important part. We talked about Dota, came up with different things together and team-building. “
The spectators saw the fruits of these trainings and teambuilding at tournaments. Despite the high level of performance of each member of the roster, the distinctive features of Virtus.pro were team play and team fights. Many fans at one time fell in love with the aggressive style of VP, which, like a single fist, almost from the start of the game, began to crush opponents, constantly imposing fights. In most cases, this led to an easy victory before the 30th minute, although, of course, there were some incidents. If VP realized that the plan had failed, then she could write “GG” already in the 15th minute. There was an ambivalent attitude to this in the community – many accused the players of not wanting to fight to the last. However, the cybersportsmen themselves explained that within the team, they always unanimously made such decisions without emotion or tilt and moved on to the next map with a cool head. Anyway, before the 20th minute GG became a funny VP feature, which very soon turned into a meme.
Virtus.pro roster with RodjER
However, otherwise VP’s coherence impressed not only the fans, but also the coach. Arseny ArsZeeqq Usovawho joined the team after TI8. He noted that Virtus.pro players do not need to explain basic things like other teams in the CIS – all this is already in their core. He considered the long-term joint performance to be the defining advantage of the VP players.
“This is a big merit of Lesha Solo – he is the leader of the extra class. He once told them: “Guys, you have to do it like this,” and they all got it imprinted in their heads. Now they already understand and know everything. “
Virtus.pro’s main weapon in its aggressive playstyle was the ability to conduct mass fights. It was in them that the teamwork and teamwork was manifested. Over the years, VP has accumulated many beautiful highlights, but one of them stands out – this is the decisive fight on the third map of The Kiev Major quarterfinals against VGJ. In the 42nd minute, Virtus.pro performed the legendary “wombo combo”, ideally combining the Dark Seer and Disruptor ultimate. Within seconds, all five players on the Chinese team were killed. After that VP brought the map to victory without any problems and went to the semifinals.