On April 9, Valve released the big 7.29 balance patch for Dota 2, in which it added a new character, Dawnbreaker, to the game. Initially, the hero dropped to the last place in terms of winrate, but the operational strengthening from the developers radically changed the state of affairs. Now the win rate for Dawnbreaker is 54.51%, which means that the character has entered the meta perfectly and you can raise MMR on it – you just need to figure out how. What items are more effective for Dawnbreaker? How to proceed in the game? What talents and abilities to study? The answers to these questions are in the material Cybersport.ru.
Which line to choose?
Now Dawnbreaker is used with varying degrees of effectiveness in all roles, except perhaps for the fifth position. However, the character does not look the same everywhere. Carry Dawnbreaker has a winrate of 49.3% (on a high rating from 7K MMR and 37% at all). The hero is clearly not suitable for non-stop farming and is inferior in the late game to more meta cores – in matchmaking in this position, a character appears in 15.45% of cases. As a “four” Dawnbreaker is taken even less often. On the center line, a character appears in matchmaking in 16% of cases – Topson is currently mastering it especially hard. Dawnbreaker is extremely confident in matchup against meta midlaners such as Puck, Ember Spirit and Storm Spirit. She farms without any problems and has huge killing potential on other lanes. Due to them, the hero picks up a high pace and by the 15th minute has over 2 thousand health, which makes him almost immortal.
However, it was in the third position that Dawnbreaker gained the most popularity. In this role, the hero is used in 65% of cases, if you look at the statistics among all ranks, and in 50% of games at high MMR. It is from the off lane that you should start your acquaintance with the hero. Based on matches Forev we’ll take a look at exactly how to use Dawnbreaker offline.
Ability boost
In the top ten Dawnbreaker guides that have already appeared in Dota 2, the sequence of skill leveling is radically different. Professional players have not yet worked out a single system, but one more or less frequent sequence still exists. And it will probably surprise someone because it focuses on the second ability of the hero – Celestial Hammer. With each new level, the initial damage and the hammer throw distance do not increase very much, but the reload time and damage per second from the trail of fire decrease. However, at the first level, it is worth taking Starbreaker.
Ability boost
The choice of Celestial Hammer as the main ability on the lane is due to the fact that with its help you can pick up a creep mage without being substituted by the enemy. In addition, with the help of the skill, you can deflect creeps or, conversely, prevent the opponent from doing this, while also not risking death. And, of course, Celestial Hammer gives you the opportunity to escape from the battle (the enemy support is unlikely to want to chase you under slowdown, and even “fry”) or, conversely, go on the offensive. Do not forget that the ability breaks trees, so it will be quite problematic for the enemy to hide from you in the forest. It is important to take into account that the hammer does not arrive at the desired point immediately, so you should not immediately use the Celestial Hammer after the throw. If you are trying to escape from an opponent, then you can first throw the hammer in one direction, then take the enemies to the other and then re-activate the skill. Do not forget that until you pick up the hammer, you cannot use the first ability.
By the sixth level, our pumping looks like this: 1/3/1/1. After receiving the first level of the ultimate, most professional players prefer to learn the first ability in order to give the maximum amount of damage in fights. Luminosity is pumped last, since the passive ability, given the offlane’s items, does not give a large increase in vampirism.
Dawnbreaker is a very dense character with a good increase in strength per level (+3.8), so you can refuse to buy Bracer at the beginning of the game. Starting money, like Forev, is better spent on Tango, Healing Salve, Quelling Blade (considering decent starting damage and nice attack animation, with an ax you can confidently last hit against most carries), Magic Wand and Enchanted Mango. Dawnbreaker may have manapool issues, so don’t forget to buy consumables. Ideally, by the sixth level, you should have enough resources to fly to one of the lanes with the help of the ultimate and give a full cast.
Starter purchase
Further Forev always came out in Phase Boots and Orb of Corrosion. The combination of these items allows the Dawnbreaker to dig into an opponent early in the game and not let go. A support, who by that time, at best, will have a regular boot, is unlikely to be able to get away from you, having received Celestial Hammer in your face. Next, Solar Crest is bought – in patch 7.29, the item became much easier to collect, while it almost did not lose its effectiveness, and therefore is now one of the most popular artifacts on almost any offlane. Dawnbreaker, he is also great, as it gives a bonus to characteristics, increases speed and so much needed mana regeneration.
Next Forev and other professional players always collect Black King Bar. Without magic immunity, Dawnbreaker will not be able to effectively use any of the abilities in a fight: the hero is very vulnerable to control and slowdowns and, without proper protection, can turn into a useless tin can. The purchase of BKB radically changes the situation: it is difficult to pierce a character with physical damage, especially under Solar Crest, and with immunity to magic, he will be able to wreak havoc in battles and use all abilities several times.
Final purchase
In the later stages of the game, Heaven’s Halberd and Assault Cuirass are great for the character. In rare cases, Abyssal Blade may also be relevant, if the team needs control through immunity to magic. In addition, purchasing this item will give you a chance to stun several opponents during the swing of the hammer when using the first ability. Despite Dawnbreaker’s mobility, Blink Dagger is often taken to her late in the game in order to unexpectedly burst into supports, who by that time are already a little less afraid of our ultimate and the second ability due to the purchase of Force Staff.
Forev builds in Dawnbreaker matches
With talents, everything is more obvious than with abilities or items. At tenth level, most professional players have a preference for the +8 strength talent. Given Dawnbreaker’s high base speed, there is simply no need for the right talent, which gives +20 haste. At level 15, it’s worth taking the cooldown reduction of the ultimate. The talent for +20 damage is useless for the offlaner, but the ability to use Solar Guardian more often, given the increased pace of the game and the increase in the frequency of teamfights, will be very useful.
At level 20, nearly all pro players chose the talent for two additional Starbreaker charges. Here, everything is also pretty obvious: the ability to stun the opponent more often will be much more useful than improving the passive ability. At the 25th level, the opinions of professional players differ. The +200 Solar Guardian radius talent (like the Faceless Void talent with increasing Chronosphere radius) can be really useful in certain situations. But the talent that gives +1 100 to the range of Celestial Hammer is versatile and effective against any pick. Accordingly, if you do not need to necessarily hit the Oracle or Dazzle hidden in the distance with the ultimate by issuing a mini-Ravage, then you should choose the left talent, which will significantly increase the hero’s mobility.
Action on the lane and later in the game
Dawnbreaker, like Specter, due to the ultimate, can join allies from anywhere on the map. This ability makes it very tempting to farm non-stop while the Solar Guardian is recharging. On the one hand, this allows the character to always have quite a lot of gold, but on the other hand, there is a risk of losing tempo completely. Dawnbreaker is an active hero who is very strong in the early game and in the midgame. For example, most of the victorious Forev matches ended before the 35th minute – during this period, Dawnbreaker gives out a lot of damage and is extremely tenacious. However, the further into the late game, the more these advantages are leveled out, so it is important to maintain a balance between farming and team play.
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