CS: GO sometimes looks very conservative and even somewhat ossified against the background of other multiplayer shooters. Changes to the game are infrequent and on a smaller scale. However, the Counter-Strike series itself has changed significantly over several decades, and it’s not just graphics and physics. Naturally, if something new appears, then developers have to get rid of something old. Cybersport.ru decided to recall seven interesting and unusual features of the old versions of Counter-Strike that you will no longer find in CS: GO.
Police shields
The Police Shield was perhaps the most broken and imbalanced thing in older versions of Counter-Strike. Therefore, it is quite logical that it was removed long before the Global Offensive. Previously, on many user servers, a ban on the purchase of a shield was set in advance, and in the computer club, they could later “ask” for this item after the round. Considering that before CS: GO there was no “Molotov cocktail” in the shooter, killing a shield-bearer often turned into an almost impossible task. In narrow corridors, he became practically invulnerable, because, unlike the shield from the “Dangerous Zone” that now exists, this object did not wear out and was not shot through before. To kill a player with a shield, you had to shoot at the legs, accurately throw a grenade behind your back, or attack in command from different directions. If you stayed in a 1v1 situation with a shield bearer, it was easier to prescribe the command / votekick than to suffer in trying to cope with an opponent. Valve deservedly removed the item from the game, which completely turned the whole gameplay, but it is a pity that the developers could not come up with an adequate replacement for it. In any case, while police shields are hated by almost all players, sometimes, willy-nilly, you start to miss this item.
Police shield
Night-vision device
Night Vision Goggles are another item from early Counter-Strike that didn’t live up to the Global Offensive. Unlike the police shield, this item was not imbalanced, rather the opposite: on most maps, it had no use at all. It was not easy to get used to a night vision device, and few people wanted to try for the sake of one conditional Assault, as well as spend money on it in each round. However, sometimes there were craftsmen who literally became the gods of that very Assault, especially its darker modifications, thanks to the skillful use of a night vision device. For everyone else, the item remains a fun entertainment that can help diversify a series of boring rounds (especially if it is turned on on a sunny map like Dust).
This is what the game looked like with a night vision device.
Recently we have already recalled the classic hostage maps from the early versions of Counter-Strike, including Mansion, Assault, Italy and others. The fact that these cards have sunk into oblivion is largely due to the low popularity of the hostage regime itself. However, in CS: GO, we also missed many cool maps with a bomb. For example, the fate of Aztec did not work out, although the developers added its updated version to CS: GO.
I want to remember two favorite cards from the past that were completely ignored in the Global Offensive – Prodigy and Piranesi. The latter was very popular in the days of Source. The map was similar to Cobblestone, had a beautifully detailed design, and still felt surprisingly balanced on both sides (even if you were playing 20v20). Prodigy is one of the oldest maps in CS, set in a military base in the mountains. Especially successful, in my opinion, turned out to be its night version. On the map there was a huge number of boxes and all kinds of “nags”, hiding in which you could always surprise your opponent. Well, the memories of the numerous battles for “length” on the Prodigy always evoke a pleasant feeling of nostalgia.
The hostage system has undergone quite significant changes over the years. In addition to updating the appearance of the captured civilians, the very mechanics of their release were redone. Now the special forces have to untie them, which takes a few seconds (the time can be shortened by buying a rescue kit), then load the poor fellow on their backs and run with him to the point of evacuation. In the past, the release process was more fun and even tactically variable. The spetsnaz only had to press one button, approaching the hostage, so that he would follow him, after which a “train” of the player and civilians would go towards the rescue point. Naturally, the presence of the NPC introduced a huge confusion to all subsequent firefights. Everyone strove to use the hostages as a human shield, and the terrorists did this at all from the very beginning of the round, since the hostages did not sit before, but stood – this made it possible to almost completely hide behind them, having obtained an advantageous position. On some maps, commandos could use the hostages as props, blocking doors and passages with them. Of course, the hostage rescue mode in older versions of CS was extremely controversial. The hostages often slowed down, stopped, and the gamers themselves were more often engaged in the genocide of the poor fellows (in the name of tactical advantage), rather than saving them. However, all this gave a certain charm to the game and fun to the process, while in CS: GO the popularity of cs cards has noticeably faded away, although now the mode looks more polished.
Personal graffiti
CS: GO has a graffiti feature, however players can only use certain images that need to be purchased. This list looks a bit scanty, unless you are an ardent fan of a particular team who gets uncontrollable pleasure leaving its logo everywhere. Previously, everything was a little different: you could upload absolutely any picture for graffiti. Although formal restrictions were probably present, in fact, gamers had complete freedom of choice. Therefore, even if you did not find those times, you can guess which graffiti was popular with users. For example, going to the server of the conditional Corbina in CS: Source, where the battles took place 20v20, to the Office map, you could hang on the terrorists’ base for a long time. While the hottest heads were already rushing into the attack, several art connoisseurs always crowded in the “dark” at the projector, looking with interest at other people’s graffiti.
CS: GO fans can immediately exclaim: “Why, but there are still shots!” Yes, but in much smaller quantities than before. In the early versions of CS, sometimes it was impossible to feel safe anywhere (although there were a little more “nests” on the maps), because you could be killed literally through any wall. For example, a conventional house on the Mansion map simply turned into a sieve, since they started shooting through the walls in the hope of delivering a random headshot from the first second. It was extremely far from realism, so Valve significantly reduced the number of surfaces to be shot. However, some crazy shots can also be found in CS: GO – what is the point of GuardiaN on the Train map.
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