On October 29, the private screening and test of the seventh season of Apex Legends took place. The developers introduced the participants to the new map and hero, and also talked about transport and the principle of the “Clubs” section. The Cybersport.ru editors also managed to test the new items, more details about them are in this article.
Gravity Manipulator – Horizon
The story of Dr. Mary Somers, also known as Horizon, began about a century ago. She was approached for help in averting a catastrophic energy crisis at Olympus. Horizon went into space in search of crystals that were supposed to save the situation, and before that, she promised her son to return and make the city safe for him. She found the necessary fossils, but she was immediately betrayed and thrown into space. Somers managed to return home only 87 years later, but by that time his son was gone. However, she still set herself the task of fulfilling the promise.
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