On August 1, there will be a show match between Natus Vincere sample of 2010 and the current roster. The teams will fight in two versions of the game at once – CS 1.6 and CS: GO. The Cybersport.ru editorial board offers to feel nostalgic and remember the beautiful highlights of the players of the Ukrainian club’s golden squad.
Egor markeloff Markelov Is one of the top snipers of the CS 1.6 generation and the main star of the original Natus Vincere roster. The HLTV.org portal named him the best player of 2010, putting the Ukrainian higher Christopher GeT_RiGhT Alesund, Philip NEO Kubski and Patrick f0rest Lindbergh. He has been inactive for several years, but still some top players include Markelov in their symbolic All-Stars team.