Horizon Zero Dawn

Tomorrow’s dawn
Horizon Zero Dawnis Guerrilla’s most ambitious work, which for five years has worked on this project that can demonstrate, with
no shadow of doubt, the full artistic maturity of the development team. Horizon’s is a world-wide open world, where an intense, well-narrated and thorough story alternates tribe members’ vicissitudes, life spells that provide more detail, and a series of well-diversified subordinate missions, divided into categories and with goals that vary sensibly. Un
til now, there have never been times when we had the feeling that they were little fillers, content to make volume that had a repeatability fund: Hermen Hulst had already explained it during the Roman event last Wednesday, that to the question “In the open world it is increasingly difficult to be original and not to break into a physiologi
cal flattening of the proposed offer. Do you think you can keep players’ attention high? “he replied that users would not have to worry about this and that they would be able to decide whether to follow only the main story or get lost in a world where the attractions never miss.
She said the truth. After
completing a good percentage of the game and getting into the adventure, having access to most of the gaming feature features, getting special skills, and acquiring skill in crafting and options offered by the combat system, the idea that Horizon Zero Dawn was a work of great standard has become a solid belief. Just to do some example, in addition to the primary and secondary missions there are Commissions, Hunting Grounds, so-called Calderons, Co
rrupt Zone and other types that offer varied and convincing gaming approaches; all along a not sure mastodontic map, but surely rich in quite different areas and to explore thoroughly.
Although the advice is to start the game difficult to have a level of challenge from now on, enjoy the full facet of the combat s
ystem and give greater emphasis to the stealth phases, it is commendable to be able to change the difficulty at any time ( easy, normal, difficult and very difficult). By doing so you will appreciate all the possibilities that the development team has made available to you: skills, inventory, resource management and loo
t, creations. The first are handled by a menu ideally divided into three macro categories (Predator, Audace, Picker), from which you combine the different skills that need points to be able to be acquired. Horizon Zero Dawn it is an action with several RPG elements, so there is character growth through accumulated experience, crafting has a key role, the effectiveness of weapons is influenced by their stats and enemies have strengths, weaknesses, and uniqueness.
Horizon Zero Dawn
Along the horizon
We thought that in the long run the GdR elements could somehow misunderstand the game’s action structure, which could be badly assorted or inserted with some forcing too; on the contrary, well before reaching the fifteen hours of play, we r
ealized that Horizon found one of his greatest strengths in this successful melee.
Also consider managing Aloy progression, always impeccable and careful: the difficulty curve is well calculated, the weapon and clothing upgrades optimally calibrated and, in general, the range of actions to be performed is rather broad. In addition to using a bow with different type arrows and a lance for mêlée attacks, it is possible to place explosives that cause elemental damage and experience a bit with the attack strategies depending on the situation: through a device yo
u can trace the movements of the mechanical beasts, hide in the grass without getting discovered or using the trap lance to strike a thread that hides the enemies. Or, at some point you can use the so-called Override, which allows you to control some beasts and ride them, use them to kick off opponents violently, move faster and, in some cases, use them as if they were platforms.
Movements along the map, in any case, are also possible thanks to the so-called quick trip (after using the special kits), using the bo
nfires that lie around with great generosity. When you have to make a delivery, head to a corrupted area or in distant locations, it’s actually the best way to avoid popping up the lush world of gaming worlds, illuminated by magnificent dawns and tumultuous nights that alternate with the passing of time.
We are testing the game on the st
andard PlayStation 4 and the glimpse is really remarkable: the graphics engine has never fired, polygonal models are really well done and from the artistic point of view we are on very high levels. For the sake of completeness, however, we say that we have been stuck in two glitches that have blocked Aloy inside some of the scenarios, but we are convinced that it was some unlucky casualty and that future patches can solve these naive problems.
Horizon Zero Dawn is really convincing us and it is the testimony that Guerrilla, after Killzone, has grown further and has entered a new and brilliant stage in her career, creating a new IP with a strong and well-defined identity