Heist Simulator lets you share your heist with your friends – review addiction

Publisher No more robots announced a new project that the studios are working on SkyBagel and RogueCode… In strategy Heist simulator we can plan the perfect heist, put it into practice, and share the plan with friends.

In the game, we will be able to assemble a dream team and go for the most coveted treasures in England. There are guards, traps, lasers and constipations on the way to the prey. But we can deal with them with the help of hacking, hacking, dressing up and other tricks.

And when we are done with the robberies in the historic sites of England, the built-in editor will help us create our own treasure, placing it in the most guarded place and protecting it by all possible means. The result can be sent to friends or you can try to overcome all obstacles on your own.

Test version of Heist Simulator is already available in Steam, and you can request access to it. It will allow you to get acquainted with the editor’s tools and plan your first heist. It will release later this year on PC and Google Stadia.

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