Grabbed by the hand: The authors of the mobile The Walking Dead accused of blatantly plagiarizing the cover of Resident Evil 2

While the company Capcom borrows for Resident evil village images of some monsters from low-budget films, developers The Walking Dead: Survivors Plagiarized Box Art Remake Resident evil 2 for your promo image. This was pointed out by netizens spotting a very familiar poster in their Facebook ad units.

At the same time, as noted by users, the plagiarism is done very badly, since its authors simply placed images of characters from their mobile game on top of the art with Leon and Claire. The comicity of this plagiarism is also added by the fact that fragments of the original characters are visible to the naked eye, which can be seen in the example of Claire’s protruding hands with a pistol.

Moreover, the background with the crowds of zombies and the police station “master Photoshop” was generally left unchanged.

In the comments, users rightly noted that such a blatant plagiarism is worthy of a lawsuit from Capcom.

It is noteworthy that after a discussion broke out on the network, these advertising materials disappeared from public access.

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