Google after the closure of the authors of Journey to the Savage Planet cannot fix a critical bug

As it turned out, a critical bug was found in the game – for unknown reasons, it can simply freeze in the main menu without the ability to do anything. However, Google shut down the developers, and neither she nor the publisher 505 Games until we figured out what the problem might be.

When you contact Google support, they ask you to contact the publisher, and the publisher asks Google.

On Reddit, a Stadia representative promised, together with partners, to find the source of the problem, but now the game is simply not available for many – they cannot go beyond the main menu.

Here it is, the bright future of cloud gaming. Funnily enough, Google’s ad for Stadia made a big bet that games won’t need to be updated – click to play. However, for 23 days now, the new product has simply not been launched for part of the audience.

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