Genshin Impact – Zhong Li. Best Builds, Weapons, Artifacts – review Addiction

We are figuring out how to make Zhong Li’s shield impenetrable, and his ultimate – the most effective.

The mysterious consultant of the Wangsheng ritual bureau, Zhong Li, has a calm disposition, excellent manners and incredible knowledge of history and geology – you probably already know why from the story quests (and if not, let’s not spoil your surprise). He owns a spear and the power of the Geo element: due to this, Zhong Li can become an excellent support, but if desired, he can be turned into a main damage dealer.

Zhong Li’s strengths and weaknesses


  • A durable shield with a short cooldown that allows you to keep it on the character almost without interruption.
  • Ulta gives huge Geo damage in the area, and also turns enemies into stone statues for a few seconds, preventing their movement and interrupting their attacks.
  • With an elemental skill, it can draw a Geo element from enemies – this is useful against hilichurls with stone shields or, for example, Geo-samachurls with their towers.


  • Low damage with normal attacks.
  • Low generation of elemental particles.
  • Depends on positioning near your Stone Steles.
  • You can accidentally climb onto Stone steleif you press a sprint near it, and lose precious seconds.

Zhong Li’s Abilities

Main Attack – Stone Rain

The usual attack option is up to six spear strikes. Charged Attack – A dash forward lunge with a spear, creating a rain of stone spears behind it. Falling attack is standard for all spearmen: Zhong Li falls to the ground and deals area damage.

Elemental Skill – Rock Mastery

Quick press – creates Stone stele… A long press (we recommend that you constantly use only it in order to renew the shield each time) causes the following effects:

  • creates Stone steleif their maximum allowable number has not yet been reached;
  • creates Jasper shield – absorption of shield damage depends on the max. HP Zhong Li;
  • deals Geo damage in the area;
  • if there are targets with a Geo element nearby, draws a large number of Geo elements from a maximum of two such targets. This effect does no damage.

Stone stele deals pulsating Geo damage in an area while standing on the ground. It also resonates with other Geo constructions surrounding it: for example, if you put the Geo Traveler’s “barrel” next to it, it will begin to pulsate too. The stone stele can be climbed to access hard-to-reach areas, and can also be used to block enemy projectiles (say, hide behind it from boss attacks, or climb up to ignore the damage from shattered platforms in Storm Dread Lair and similar surfaces).

Initially, there can only be one Stone stelecreated by Zhong Li himself. The maximum number of Geo constructs standing on the battlefield at the same time is three. This limit also applies to co-op mode. This limit does not apply to Geo Traveler’s ult.

Jasper shield – all elemental and physical damage is absorbed 150% more efficiently. Characters protected Jasper Shield, will reduce the physical and all elemental resistances of enemies in a small radius by 20%. This effect cannot stack.

Elemental explosion (ulta) – Falling comet

Summons a giant meteorite that inflicts massive Geo damage to enemies within range, and also inflicts Petrification on them. Enemies with the Petrification status cannot move for several seconds.

Passive skills

  • Stone Will: Damage received when the shield is active imposes the status Fortification: increases the strength of the shield of the character protected by the Jasper Shield by 5%; can stack up to 5 times and lasts until the Jasper Shield disappears.
  • Dominance of the earth: Zhong Li deals additional damage, which depends on his max. HP. Damage of normal attack, charged attack and attack in the fall is increased by 1.39% of the max. HP. Damage Stone stele, its resonance and long press is increased by 1.9% of the max. HP. Skill damage Falling comet increased by 33% of max. HP.
  • Crystal fate: When forging polearms, returns 15% of the consumed ore.

Priority leveling talent

If you decide to make Zhong Li a support for additional damage, the priority is to level up your ult – Falling comet… If you like his spear animations and want to fight “from hand”, using him as your main damage dealer, download Stone rain, the main attack. Here comes the elemental skill Power over the stone, which is needed primarily for the sake of the shield, and in both cases it is better to pump at least to the sixth level.

The best constellations for Zhong Li

Guide: Genshin Impact - Zhong Li. Best builds, weapons, artifacts

This item is intended only for those who are ready to invest in the game in order to gain constellations from the characters, but we will still go over them briefly.

The first two constellations are some of the most useful. One will allow you to create two Stone Steles on the battlefield: they will go into resonance, and this will increase the chance to create an elemental particle when dealing damage in the area around them. The second will allow you to worry less about the upgrade Jasper Shield, because your ultimate will now automatically apply it.

And the most difficult to achieve, but at the same time terribly pleasant constellation level is the sixth: with it, the active character will restore health every time the shield takes damage; the harder the blow to you, the more HP is restored.

  1. What holds the earth on. Allows the simultaneous existence of two Stone Steles of the skill Power over the stone
  2. Cradle of jade. Skill Falling comet casts the Jasper Shield on surrounding characters.
  3. Jasper shine. Increases skill level Power over the stone by 3. Max. Lvl .: 15.
  4. Topaz, unbreakable and fearless. Increases the affected area of ​​the skill Falling comet by 20%, also increases the duration of petrification by 2 seconds.
  5. Lapis lazuli, messenger of order. Increases the skill level Comet Falling by 3. Max. Lvl .: 15.
  6. Chrysos, reward of the despot. When Jasper shield takes damage, 40% of this damage is converted into HP for the active character. One recovery cannot exceed 8% of the max. HP of the character.

Best weapon for Zhong Li

Guide: Genshin Impact - Zhong Li. Best builds, weapons, artifacts

Main damage dealer

Crescent peak – the best spear for Zhong Li, who fights mainly with basic attacks. Gives a passive bonus to physical. damage, and picked up elemental particles with Crescent Lance give increased damage to normal and charged attacks up to 40% for 5 seconds. And the best part is that this spear can be crafted for free.

Whirlwind Vanquisher – Signature spear of Zhong Li, but it is rather difficult to get it. It will increase the strength of the shield by a maximum of 40%, and upon hit, it will increase the attack power by a maximum of 8% for 8 seconds, stacking up to 5 times (no more than once every 0.3 seconds). While protected by the shield, the attack damage bonus from this effect will increase by 100%!

Homa’s staff – one of the best gold copies: it increases not only crit. damage, but also HP (up to 40%), which will also give additional damage thanks to the talent Dominance of the earth… Also, the spear gives an additional bonus to attack, depending on the maximum amount of HP. When health is below 50%, the bonus to attack power increases to 1.8% of the max. HP. True, in endgame you are unlikely to deliberately lower your health below 50% in order to receive this bonus and only then press the shield. But some still consider the Staff of Homa to be the best spear for Zhong Li already due to the combination of crit and a significant bonus to HP.

Mortal combat from the battle pass also increases the critical chance, as well as the attack power, depending on the number of enemies surrounding you. Of all the purple spears, this is probably the best choice if you plan on dealing the most damage with your skills: this spear doesn’t have the best basic attack stat.

Stone spear – a good weapon, but very situational. It will come in handy only if you are ready to select a team of heroes from Li Yue, because for each such character in the party, the spear will increase the attack power by 7-11%, and crit. chance for 3-7%. Zhong Li himself is also from Li Yue, which means that all 4 stacks can be collected for him.


Zhong Li is one of the few heroes who can be successfully used with a blue (three-star) weapon. If you need an exceptionally durable shield from him, and everything else is on the side (or there simply are no other worthy copies yet), give him Black brush: it gives a bonus to HP of up to 46.9%.

Otherwise, it all depends on your need for energy recovery for the constant use of the cooldown ult. If energy is constantly lackingthen consider the following spears.

Spear of Favonia will increase energy recovery by a maximum of 30.6%, and will also help knock out more elemental particles through critical attacks. A very easy to use spear and a good support option.

Starlight Prototype Is a crafted spear, just like the Crescent Peak. It will add a maximum of 45.9% energy recovery, but his passive is quite useless for a support: using an elemental skill will increase the damage of a normal or charged attack by 8-16% for 12 seconds.

If energy recovery is okay, use spears with crit. chance or crit. damage: for example Mortal combat or Homa’s staffdescribed above.

Jade Kite has an excellent base damage and a bonus to crit chance. hits. It gives a good increase to damage from skills, but its passive bonus is useless for support Zhong Li: stacks of bonus to attack do not accumulate if the owner of the spear is not on the field, and constant damage from Stone steles does not affect their accumulation.

The best artifacts for Zhong Li

Guide: Genshin Impact - Zhong Li. Best builds, weapons, artifacts

Main damage dealer (physical damage)

The most balanced option is two parts Blood knight and two parts of the set Gladiator’s End… They will provide a bonus to physical. damage by 25% and attack power by 18%, respectively. You can replace one of these sets with two parts Pale fire – it will increase your physical damage by another 25%.

A full set is also fine. Oncoming comet: it will increase the strength of the shield by 35%, and also under the protection of the shield will increase the damage from normal and charged attacks by 40%.

  • Cup on the bonus of physical damage;
  • Clock with a% bonus to attack power.
  • Cap with crit. damage / crit. chance. It is advisable to keep the crit balance. chance and crit. damage 1: 2, that is, for 50% crit we want to collect 100% crit. damage.

Best additional features:

  1. Crete. damage;
  2. Crete. chance;
  3. % attack.


The most damage from Zhong Li’s skills will be brought by two artifacts from the set Archaic stone and two from Ceremonies of the ancient nobility… The first will give a bonus to increase Geo damage by 15%, the second will increase the damage from the ultimate by 20%. You can also replace one of these sets with two pieces from Millelite’s Fortitude (+ 20% HP) to increase the strength of the shield and indirectly – the damage from the ultimate.

Another option is four pieces of a new set Millelite’s Fortitude, which was clearly intended primarily for Zhong Li. When Zhong Li’s elemental skill hits enemies, the attack of all nearby characters in the squad will increase by 20%, and their shield strength by 30%. The effect lasts 3 seconds, but it can occur once every 0.5 seconds, that is, it will be updated almost constantly. The most important thing is that the effect works even when the owner of the set is “in the pocket” – and Stone steles just inflict damage even in the absence of Zhong Li on the field.

If your group does not have a character who will use the full set Ceremonies of the ancient nobility, a good solution would be to equip Zhong Li with it. The four-piece bonus will increase the attack of your entire group by 20% for 12 seconds after using Zhong Li’s ultimate.

If you have collected four parts of the set Archaic stoneWhen Zhong Li picks up a shard of elemental reaction, the Crystal will increase the damage from the element that activated the reaction by 35% for 10 seconds for all members of the squad. But to play with a full set, special care is needed: the bonus applies to only one element at a time, and you also need to make sure that it is Zhong Li who picks up the shard.

  • Cup on Geo damage, if you want more performance from the ultimate, or% HP, if the priority is the shield;
  • Clock with a bonus on% attack power (for more damage) /% HP (for a thicker shield) / energy recovery (as a last resort – it’s better to try to collect decent energy recovery through the side stats of other artifacts).
  • Cap with crit. damage (it is advisable to keep the balance of crit. chance and crit. damage 1: 2, that is, for 50% crit we want to collect 100% crit. damage) – or% HP, if the shield is more important. And yes, if you don’t have good artifacts yet, you can just hang three artifacts on Zhong Li at once on% HP and flaunt an almost impenetrable shield.

Top bonus stats in order of priority:

  1. Crete. damage;
  2. Crete. chance.
  3. % attack or% HP;
  4. energy recovery.

Best companions for Zhong Li

Guide: Genshin Impact - Zhong Li. Best builds, weapons, artifacts

Jun Li is currently a plug-and-play character – he can be added to any group and will be useful everywhere. All thanks to his insane reduction of the physical and all elemental resistances of enemies by 20% when Jasper shield active. And bonuses from full sets Millelite’s Resilience, Ancient noble ceremony and Archaic stone give a tangible increase to the total damage of the group.

And if you try to adjust the party for Zhong Li himself, then he definitely needs Geo resonance: he will give the group + 15% shield strength, under the shield the damage done will increase by 15%, and when damaging the enemy, his Geo resistance will decrease by 20% for 15 seconds …

  • Albedo / Nin Guang / Geo Traveler… Usually, the number of Geo characters in a group is no more than two, but in some groups it can reach three, due to which the maximum of Geo constructs on the field is reached (well, or you can put two “barrels” of the main character at once near Zhong Li’s stele) – this will also help to recover faster energy for the ultimate. In addition, each of the following three will increase the damage for your group: Jade screen Ning Guang increases the Geo damage of characters passing through her to 12% for 10 seconds, Albedo’s ultimate – the elemental mastery of the whole team, Geo Traveler’s ultimate – crit. chance within the erected stone wall.
  • Ke Qing / Fischl / Lisa. If you use Zhong Li for physical damage, these three will help create the Superconductor reaction (if used in conjunction with Cryo heroes), reducing physical. target resistance by 40%. The task is to enter the field, throw the effect on the enemies and go back to the “pocket”.
  • Dione / Keia… They will help to activate the Superconductor with their Cryo element – the tactics are the same as above.
  • Xiao. It can act as the main damage dealer, receiving additional protection from Zhong Li’s shields, but a separate plus is the passive effect of the shield, which lowers the resistance of enemies to all possible types of damage. Even the set of Emerald Shadow artifacts cannot knock down the Anemo damage resistance that Xiao attacks, so Zhong Li can impressively increase Xiao’s overall damage.
  • Dilyuk + Xing Qiu + any Geo. One of the options for a strong group led by Dilyuk is to smash everything and everyone to shreds.

Share your favorite Zhong Li tutu in the comments: who are you using him with? And good luck with the Genshin Impact!

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