CEO Natus vincere Yevgeny Zolotaryov explained why the Ukrainian club did not sign Danila Dendi Ishutina as a streamer. In an interview with the Kalashnikov Media channel, Zolotarev also explained how John Edward Sukharev engaged during inactivity.
About Dendi
“[Dendi сам] asked to terminate the contract in order to create his own organization. Simply [подписать его] as a streamer, this is not a NAVI format. We don’t have streamers and we don’t have a contract with Twitch that would require certain hours of streaming, etc. Anyway, we are an eSports club, not a streaming organization. Many American clubs do just that, but the business model is built differently there. They are more powered by content and live, and this content is well monetized. They are less dependent on sponsors. <…>
As for Dendi, we will be very glad to see him [в NAVI снова]but so far he has plans. For our part, we humanly supported them. We still communicate, we have a great relationship. He was on a decade [клуба]. God grant that everything works out. If he ever wants to return to NAVI, then the doors are always open. ”
About Zeus, Kane, and Edward
“They have their own project on YouTube, they are doing an e-sports show, discussing the latest events there and express their opinion on their account. Dani, of course, has some other league related projects. Surely the pro100 remains, although I have not heard any details. We communicate with Vanya regularly, just humanly. He is engaged in Thai boxing there and generally rethought a lot after his playing career, a lot of things for him now are a curiosity, a novelty. He literally absorbs this information. <…> At the moment, he has, conditionally, an open offer. As soon as the parties are ready, we can discuss. <…> In the current NAVI.Junior format, there is nowhere to take it especially. This could be a project of such a larger academy, where we are not just talking about reserve personnel, but about system selection. So far this is all at the level of discussion. The reasons were announced earlier – we are building a business that is stable and stable, so we can’t spend that much money now where it will not have a momentary exhaust or in the near future. ”
Dendi played for NAVI from December 2010 to September 2018, and after leaving the main roster, another year was bound by a contract with a Ukrainian club. In September 2019, he announced his intention to open his own organization, and in January 2023, a presentation was held B8 esports.
Edward left the main NAVI roster in the spring of 2019. The player spent several months renting from Winstrike team and is currently without a team.
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