Dying Light 2 will get 60+ FPS performance mode with VRR on Xbox Series and PC

Earlier in the middle of spring, in one of the interviews, the developers Dying light 2 mentioned that the version of the game for the next generation consoles will offer several modes of operation: 4K, quality (ray tracing) and performance (60+ FPS).

Now, within the framework of the conversation with the portal MP1st, Lead Level Designer Techland Petr Pavlachik clarified that in in the latter case, the mode will be able to additionally enable the unlocked frame rate on devices with variable refresh rate (VRR) support, thanks to which an even smoother frame rate will be achieved during fast sections of gameplay.

It follows that only Xbox Series S | X and PC, as there is currently no VRR support on the PlayStation 5, although there is talk of adding a feature.

In the same conversation, Pavlachik spoke in more detail about the quality mode. Using ray tracing in this mode will significantly improve the lighting of the environment, as well as increase the realism of volumetric effects and many other elements of post-processing of the frame. In addition, ray tracing is the basis for creating physically correct shadows.

Dying Light 2 will be released 7th December

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