Disco Elysium – One of the Most Interesting Games of Recent Years Coming Soon to Nintendo Switch and Xbox Series X | S

High-profile narrative role-playing game Disco Elysium from estonian studio ZA / UM should be released on consoles in the near future Xbox one, Xbox Series X | S and Nintendo Switch… Complete edition with subtitle The final cut in versions for the mentioned platforms received an assessment from the European rating commission PEGI

DISCO ELYSIUM - The Final Cut - Launch Trailer (Official)

Initially, the game was promised to be released on Xbox and Switch before the end of summer 2023 – after the spring premiere of the extended version on PlayStation and PC. However, it will eventually appear on systems from Nintendo and Microsoft a little bit later.

The Disco Elysium universe is built on the work of a writer and studio manager ZA / UM Robert Kurwitz entitled “Holy and terrible scent“. The plot is based on the literal and spiritual journey of the alcoholic policeman Harry Dubois, who must not only piece together his lost personality, but also simultaneously try to do a difficult job – together with his colleague Kim Kitsuragi, investigate a mysterious murder that took place in an impoverished and dangerous city Revachol.

Read our review of the original PC version of Disco Elysium here… Check out our PlayStation 5 reissue of Disco Elysium: The Final Cut you can follow the link

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