2020 is a pivotal year for the gaming industry, as it was the transition year for consoles. The PlayStation 4 and Xbox One are about to retire and will soon be replaced by a new generation of consoles. Because of this, it may seem that the second half of the year will be filled with news only about hardware, but this is absolutely not the case – in the fall we will have many interesting releases. Which – we will tell in the material.
Destroy All Humans! – July 28th
A remake of the cult (at least in certain circles) classics of Destroy All Humans! will allow players to once again plunge into a stupid, but endlessly fun setting, parodying films about an alien invasion from the sixties. By taking on the role of Crypto, an archetypal evil alien, users will be able to abduct people, probe them and, of course, destroy them in every possible way. Fortunately, Crypto’s arsenal cannot but inspire awe.
Horizon Zero Dawn (PC) – August 7
A couple of years ago, no one would have thought that Sony would one day decide to share exclusives with PC players. And yet here it is – Horizon Zero Dawn, which is about to be released on Steam and the Epic Games Store. The adventure of red-haired girl Aloy in a post-apocalyptic world inhabited by robotic dinosaurs received high praise from both the press and the players. And with improved graphics and mouse controls, it will surely get even better.
Wasteland 3 – August 28
Triquel of post-apocalyptic tactics Wasteland will transfer players from the hot wasteland of the Nevada desert to the state of Colorado, whose few residents are trying to survive in a nuclear winter. According to the creator of the game, Brian Fargo, a change in the setting will seriously affect the gameplay – the cold will become one of the main dangers of the new world. It’s good that Wasteland 3 comes out in the summer!
Serious Sam 4 – August
Serious Sam 4 will try to bring the classic shooter madness of the past to our PC screens in the present. The menu will feature absurd cannons, hundreds of enemies and a killer soundtrack, which will regularly be interrupted by the screams of headless kamikaze. Not everyone will like such an experience today, but lovers of the classics will surely cry when they first pick up a minigun.
Tony Hawk’s Pro Skater 1 + 2 – September 4
American skater Tony Hawke is a man who, in the 2000s, sometimes could have seen boards with wheels even in the Russian outback. Many then did not know what this Hawk did, but still remembered his name thanks to the iconic Pro Skater 2. Title does not pretend to realism and allows you to, if you so desire, ride a skateboard for an hour, standing on your hands. To understand how such an absurd game led to a massive enthusiasm for extreme sports, you can already September 4.
Mafia: Definitive Edition – September 25
The original Mafia: The City of Lost Heaven is a cult game that was so ahead of its time that it still regularly pops up as an example when discussing other representatives of the genre. In 2002, the action offered the audience a serious storyline and cinematic videos, the staging of which most developers could only envy. In addition, the game compares favorably with its competitors in various missions, including chases, shootings and covert operations. Definitive Edition is a full-fledged remake of the game, which will not only update its graphics to modern standards, but also add more plot scenes revealing the characters. For lovers of classics, Mafia will be one of the major releases of this year.
Crash Bandicoot 4: It’s About Time – October 2
In addition to Mafia, another imperishable classic will return in 2023 – Crash Bandicoot. The new part will remain true to the traditions of the original: corridor levels await us again, in which Crash will have to break boxes and trample enemies. Apparently, the developers really seriously approached the continuation of the franchise: It’s About Time will be three times more than any previous part. A great excuse to get your PlayStation 4 up and running again!
DiRT 5 – 9 October
Rally simulator DiRT 5 is Codemasters’ attempt to revive the series and play on the Forza Horizon field. The problem is that the field was not too big anyway, so there are natural doubts about the prospects of the game. However, if you’re waiting for the seasons to finally change in Microsoft racing, DiRT may be a pleasant alternative for you. In addition, this is a great game for a sofa co-op – with the same splitscreen for four people, as in the days of PS1.
Watch Dogs: Legion – October 29
The long-suffering Watch Dogs: Legion, it seems, still got the final release date and will be released on October 29, although last fall Ubisoft threatened to postpone the release of the game until 2023. Despite the regular changes in the plans of the developers, the action itself seems to be quite successful. Now, instead of the lone hackers that we played in the previous parts, we will have the whole London at our disposal: any resident of the city – from a professional hacker to a cute old woman selling pies from her kitchen window – can be recruited and directed his talents in the direction we want. …
Assassin’s Creed Valhalla – November 17
Valhalla is the third installment of the Assassin’s Creed series after its relaunch and getting rid of the Desmond Miles story. This time Ubisoft will take players to England in the 9th century – in the era when the Vikings still roamed the seas. Apparently, the gameplay action will remain true to tradition – at least that Origins and Odyssey laid. Fans will be able to sail on ships, rebuild their village, as well as rob caravans in plenty, and, along the way, learn the mystical history of the Order of the Ancients.
Amnesia: Rebirth – Fall 2023
The sequel to one of the most terrifying games in history was announced in March, and its release should take place in the fall. The Amnesia series bent after an unsuccessful sequel – A Machine for Pigs, the development of which Frictional Games transferred to the third-party studio The Chinese Room. The horror received mixed ratings, and since then the series has been frozen, but now it will return again to give views to hundreds of let players – after all, not every player will take the risk of going through it himself. And it looks like this time the creators drew inspiration directly from the books of H.F. Lovecraft!
Chivalry 2 – 2023
The original Chivalry created an entire genre of not-so-serious medieval carnage simulators, and also became a hit on YouTube. For several months, bloggers happily chopped each other to pieces, and then switched to Mordhau – because there was a lute. But, apparently, the Chivalry developers plan to regain the lead with the release of the sequel. We will only be glad!
According to the plan in 2023, other games should also be released, for example, Vampire: The Masquerade – Bloodlines 2, which has long disappeared from media radars, or Elden Ring, the presentation of which everyone expected to see at the first Sony conference in July. It is quite possible that by the end of summer the release dates for these games will also become known – and then 2023 will be released even more interesting!