critics were disappointed with Biomutant – review addiction

First reviews Biomutant turned out to be mixed – someone praises the game, while others scold. On average, aggregators now have from 62 to 69 points, but about half of the critics “recommend” the new product.

To summarize, many people liked the local mythology and visual style, but the script (which tripled over the past year) turned out to be meaningless, and the game technically has enough problems with both performance and stability, and graphics in general.

The open world turned out to be sterile and uninteresting – research at best is encouraged by equipment, which is already plentiful, while there are practically no interesting additional tasks to be found here. It all comes down to finding a certain number of certain things.

In the first couple of hours it may seem that now the game is accelerating and it will only get better, but it soon becomes clear that in the next few tens of hours several identical activities will have to be repeated until victorious.

Another sore point was the local narrator – in fact, this is the only “character” that the player will hear. He retells the dialogues of the animals, he comments on the actions of the hero and occasionally jokes badly.

However, other critics point to a rather interesting world that encourages exploration – which, however, is not specified. Also, some of the journalists praise the combat system and the crafting system, however, there are enough of their own problems here.

In general, it seems that the developers tried to implement as many different ideas as possible, but during the most important – implementation – they simply failed. However, as can be seen from the reviews, someone really liked the final result.

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