The new Battle Pass for Dota 2 is coming out on May 25, so it’s time to remember why all the fans of the game are waiting for it so much. We selected some of the coolest sets and the most interesting functions from the military passes of the past years, for which the players were ready to spend tens of thousands of rubles.
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Battle cup
During The International 2016, Valve added weekly Battle Cup tournaments to Dota 2. Any team that had five tickets for the battle cup could participate in them. Competitions began every Saturday and took place separately in four regions – Southeast Asia, Europe, China and America. For participation and victories in the Battle Cup, players received rating points. Champions earned 15 pass levels, as well as a special trophy for the battle cup, exclusive emoticons and a statue with a cup. This feature was later available to Dota Plus subscribers.
Banner for the winners of the Battle Cup
Source: Dota 2
Doubling MMR Points
One of the features of The International 2017 Battle Pass was the ability to bet twice the number of MMR points on the outcome of a ranking match. In case of victory, the user received additional points to his rating, and in case of defeat, he lost points in the same proportion. The number of such bets depended on the level of the combat pass. At the first level, doubling could be used once a week, at the 255th – two times, and at the 395th – three.
Cool phrases in the chat wheel
The main hit of The International 2018 was the chat wheel with voiced replicas of commentators. These phrases instantly gained wide popularity after professional players began to spam them in tournament matches in order to play a trick on the opponent. It was possible to open phrases for pumping a combat pass. At level 1205, users received an Epic Caster Pack that contained Lakad Matataaag !, Echo Slamma Jamma! and other popular replicas.
“Tip“ during the match
Another feature of The International 2018 was the “gratitude” (tips – tips) in the form of combat points. They were available in previous compendiums, but in 2018, Valve allowed players to send their teammates or opponents directly during matches, and not after their end. E-sportsmen immediately began to use such gratitude to make fun of opponents and put moral pressure on them. Such an exchange of tips and harsh phrases from the chat wheel added to the game of entertainment and excitement.
In The International 2019 Battle Pass, players gained access to four special consumable items that could be used during matches. They did not affect the mechanics of the game, but only allowed cosmetic effects. For example, users could launch a balloon — a snake, summon an assistant monkey, or knock on war drums. Using the True Shovel, a player could dig holes at any point on the map to find battle points, treasures, or other prizes. All of these items could be obtained with an increase in the level of military passes.
Banner with avatar
One of the most striking features of the Battle Pass 2019 was the ability to put a banner with an avatar on the card. At a low level of combat pass, only hero icons were available to players, and at a high level of leveling, they could use their profile avatars on Steam. Subsequently, the OG team turned this function into a meme, making fun of rivals with unusual avatars.
Voice by Gabe Newell
Dota 2 has many kits with commentaries on mega-kills, but one of them is rightfully considered one of the most unusual. It was recorded by Gabe Newell himself, the head of Valve. The opportunity to hear praise from the creator of Steam was given to all owners of the Battle Pass for The International 2018. However, even the need to evaluate the triple kill from the player did not make him name the hated figure. Valve even showed all Dota fans a humorous video with the process of recording phrases for recruiting.