Coma will be released on Xbox – review addiction

Studio Desert Fox, consisting of a single developer, released a minimalist adventure horror puzzle game in 2017 Bad Dream: Coma… Over the years they made a sequel to Coma, Bad Dream: Fever, and recently Robert Gonserowski published a new horror, Darkness under my bed

It looks like the Desert Fox story is coming to a close as Bad Dream: Coma is coming to Xbox One and Xbox Series (via backward compatibility). The game will be available on April 20, and a Polish company is publishing it. Ultimate Games
Bad Dream: Coma has received excellent reviews: its rating in Steam – 91% with more than 1.2 thousand reviews, and Metacritic she was rated 79 out of 100. The game features a unique dream atmosphere and a non-linear storyline that allows you to learn a new story with each playthrough.

Bad Dream: Coma - Xbox Trailer

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