Cheats in Minecraft – how to use the command line – review addiction

The most useful commands for the game.

Minecraft – a game, each element of which can be easily customized for yourself: both with the help of mods and through the command line. With the help of the latter, a lot is available: for example, spawning a command block or changing the time of day. How to enable this tool and what to use it for, we will tell you in this guide.

How to enable cheats?

Everything is very simple here. When creating a new world, switch the item “Using cheats” to “On”.

Guide: Cheats in Minecraft - how to use the command line

It is possible to enable cheats in an already created world. For this:

  1. Enter the world you want.
  2. Press ESC.
  3. Select “Open to Web”.
  4. Switch “Using cheats” to “On”.
  5. Click “Open the world to the web”.
Guide: Cheats in Minecraft - how to use the command lineGuide: Cheats in Minecraft - how to use the command line

To check if everything works, open the chat (key “T” by default) and enter the command “/ time set day” (without quotes). If successful, a message will appear in the chat: “Time is set: 1000”, and the time of day will change to day (for night, change the command “day” to “night”).

Guide: Cheats in Minecraft - how to use the command line

A couple more interesting commands to try:

  • “/ Clone x1 y1 z1 x2 y2 z2 x y z” – clones blocks from the area with the initial coordinates “x1 y1 z1” and end coordinates “x2 y2 z2” to the point “x y z”. Useful if you are building a city and want to reproduce houses of the same type.
  • “/ Tp Player x y z” – teleports the player to the specified coordinates. Instead of “Player”, enter the nickname of the player you want to move.
  • “/ Gamerule keepInventory true” – after death, all items will remain in the inventory. To return as it was, replace “true” with “false”.
The rest of the console commands can be viewed on the Minecraft Wiki, or in the game chat by typing “/ help”.

How do I get a command block?

One of the most interesting things that can only be obtained with cheats is the command block. You can write all the same commands to it as in the command line, and include them with a redstone signal. There are many applications for such an item – from creating a teleport to complex server mechanisms.

To get a command block, you need to write “/ give @s command_block N” in the chat, where N is the number of blocks you want to receive.

Command block can only be placed and used by players in creative mode. You can enable it with the “/ gamemode creative Player” command.

How do I use the command block?

RMB on the block will open its interface. Enter the command text into the top line (you don’t need to write “/” here), for example “give @p iron_axe 3”, and click “Finish”.

Now let’s connect the redstone signal. It can be fed using a lever, a button or a pressure plate. You can place a button or lever on a block by pressing “Shift + RMB”.

After pressing the button, the command will be executed, and three iron axes will appear in the inventory.

Congratulations, you are now familiar with the basics of command block. The rest depends on your imagination!

How to issue a command block?

If you want to entrust this matter to someone else, you can issue a command block by typing “/ give Player command_block N” in the chat. Do not forget to enter the nickname of the required player instead of “Player”, and instead of “N” – the number of issued blocks.

TOHow to make an invisible frame?

Another useful thing that can only be obtained with the help of cheats is the invisible frame.

It can be used to hang swords over a fireplace, make a candle holder, a shop sign, and many other decorations.

You can get such a frame by typing the command ā€œ/ give @s item_frame {EntityTag: {Invisible: 1b}} Nā€ into the chat (replace ā€œNā€ with the required amount).

That’s all. Try it, experiment and don’t forget to share your ideas in the comments!

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