Category: Star Wars
We recall the main games of February 2000, 2005, 2010 and 2015. You read “What We Played” – a section where every month we recall the most vivid games …
According to a new rumor, a remake Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republicif one is really created, will not be released by the company Electronic arts. This is …
On the night of February 24-25, the studio Lucasfilm officially introduced the next phase in the development of the franchise “star Wars“, which until then was called Project luminous. …
Lucasfilm disclosed project details Luminos which was announced last year. As previously reported, the initiative primarily deals with books and comics in the universe. Confirming previous rumors, the project …
Movie rental “Star Wars: Skywalker. Sunrise“came to an end in most markets, and the drop in fees reached a critical point. Therefore, analysts are already summing up the results …
Studio Lucasfilm is working on a new film in the universe “Star wars“, which will be a kind of spin-off of the ninth episode of the saga. This is …
Editor Kotaku Jason Schreyer reported that last spring the company Electronic arts canceled the planned spin-off series Star Wars: Battlefront. The project was codenamed Viking and was due out …
Creators of the original Mortal kombat at one time wanted to develop a franchise game “star Wars“, but the resounding success of the first part of the fighting game …
Another series for Disney +whose action takes place in the universe “Star wars“, ended up in production hell. The portal reports Geeks WorldWide with reference to their informed sources. …
Release date Star Wars: Jedi Fallen Order in the fall of 2019 turned out to be a major success for the publisher Electronic arts. Sales of the game have …