Category: Popular Games
It doesn’t seem like much of a stretch to say everybody has a fear of the dark in some way or another. For some, just any darkness will do …
There’s not been a Twin Peaks video game yet. This is terrible news, but we can live vicariously through Indie titles like The Darkside Detective. Just like Agent Cooper …
Press release: RIDGEWOOD, NJ (July 24, 2017) – The legendary World War II Real-Time-Strategy series Sudden Strike returns to Windows PC, and premiers for the first time on …
Epic has just released Fortnite into a period of Early Access (on their own platform), ahead of a full, free to play, launch next year. Intrigued by the concept of a …
After you discover your first treasure chest you will realize that the loot inside is often amazing. You should make it your goal to source the Fortnite treasure chests …
Autism and pop culture are currently in a strange relationship. We laugh at characters like Sheldon Cooper from Big Bang Theory and we get into debates about whether Suzanne …
Black The Fall is the latest entry in the atmospheric puzzle platformer genre, initially popularised by modern classics Limbo and Inside. While it doesn’t quite live up to the standards set by its …
Overwatch is a unique first person shooter. It serves as an accessible FPS game for people who have never played a shooter before, as well as being a game …
I am of two minds regarding Fire Pro Wrestling World. On the one hand, it is the type of game I love, providing a customizable sandbox with near limitless ability …
Living in a haunted house may sound bad but being dragged into a supernatural investigation because your parents knew a guy from a cult sounds more damning. “No70: Eye of Basir” …