Category: Mortal Kombat
Warner Bros. about to release another cartoon for the franchise Mortal kombatwhich will be released later this summer. A project called “Battle of the Worlds” (Batlle of the realms) …
Last May, the British console market showed significant growth – about 200 thousand devices were sold in a month, which is 17% more than in 2023 and immediately 162% …
“Womgla” is not a hindrance to talent. If you look through the pages of old Russian magazines about video games, you get the impression that the Russian gaming industry …
In the upcoming solo album “Flash“viewers will see the original Batman costume from the classic film dilogy Tim Burtonmore similar to the one worn by Bruce Wayne in the …
Many fans have expressed a desire to see Johnny Cage in the sequel to the film adaptation Mortal kombat Ryan Reynolds, Chris Pratt or wrestler Mike Mizanin, but the …
Released in April in theaters and streaming HBO Max new film adaptation Mortal kombat already next month, July 13, will receive a release on physical media. This version will …
Ed Boone, creative director and co-creator of the franchise Mortal kombat, launched a Twitter poll among fans to find out which part of the fighting game remaster they would …
The games of the Counter-Strike series have at all times been famous for their entertainment, which was especially emphasized by home-made movies with highlights. In the early 2000s, such …
Three Russian cinema networks were removed “Fast and Furious 9” from the schedule after two weeks of distribution – the reason was a conflict with Universal Pictures International. The …
Executive President for Growth and Revenue WarnerMedia stated that the indicators of the new Mortal kombat on the HBO Max “Exceeded expectations” of the company. According to Brad Wilson, …