Category: Minecraft
Collection Mass Effect: Legendary Edition displaced Resident Evil: Village at number one on the UK Weekly Retail Sales Chart. At the same time, not to say that the launch …
Mass Effect Legendary Edition debuted at number one in the UK retail charts. The most successful was the PS4 version (68%). Another novelty of the week was Subnautica: Below …
MArcus Perssonwho created the popular sandbox Minecraft, is currently working on his new project. The famous game designer announced this from his Twitter page. First of all, the developer …
Consoles Xbox Series X | S bypassed Playstation 5 UK April sales, according to a report citing data from GfK Entertainment. At the end of the month, the …
In April this year, a little over 90 thousand consoles were sold in the UK. This is 59% less than in April last year. The best-selling console of the …
Horror Resident evil village topped the Japanese retail chart for the week ending May 9, but lost in sales to last year’s remake Resident evil 3which in turn started …
Group of veterans Blizzard and Epic Games founded the studio Lightforge Games… According to executive director Matt Shembari, the studio’s first game will be cross-platform with social elements. The …
Corporation game studios Microsoft are currently working on brand new IPs for Xbox Series X | Sthat will amaze your audience. About this in an interview with the publication …
Company NVIDIA introduced two new graphics accelerators GeForce RTX entry level – 3050 and 3050 Ti… Both new items are based on the GA107 chip architecture Ampere and became …
Sony published the April charts PlayStation Storewhich are divided into regions (America and Europe) and consoles (PS5 and PS4). On PlayStation 5, sports simulators became leaders in both regions: …