Category: New Game Release
Taiwan Rating Organization Launches Adventure Game Release Date Tell me why from studio Dontnod entertainment. The project should go on sale. September 1st. Earlier, the same regulator leaked the …
Publishing house Microids and studio Odddworld inhabitants revealed the exact release date of action-adventure games Oddworld: Munch’s Oddysee for Nintendo switch. In a digital store eShop game sales start …
remember, that The Last of Us: Part II will weigh more than 100 GB on media Playstation 4? Surprisingly, the July 17 open-world adventure action game Ghost of tushusha …
German edition Gamestar published a preliminary review of the adventure stealth action movie The lord of the rings: gollum from developers from Daedalic entertainment. Unfortunately, the text is available …
In the June issue of the magazine Young ace announced that manga Fate / Stay Night: Heaven’s Feel will take a break “for a short time”. Manga Adapts Root …
FIFA 20, traditionally showing excellent sales in the parent country of football, in the reporting week regained leadership in the fight against life simulator Animal Crossing: New Horizons. This …
According to him, the attackers through a gap in the patch for the unnamed old game Naughty Dog were able to access the studio’s servers, where they downloaded the …
Activision intends to do Call of Duty: Warzone The “invariable unit” of the franchise, which will become the “connecting link” of different universes of the series – Modern warfare, …
Chinese resource ChinaTimes reports new details about future GPUs NVIDIA Ampere and Hopper. The former will allegedly be based on a 7-nanometer manufacturing process. TSMC, while the second – …
Company Valve published a list of ten games most in demand in Steam over the past week. The leader of the rating continues to be the royal battle PlayerUnknown’s …