Category: New Game Release
A couple of weeks ago around the release of the soundtrack for the game Doom eternal scandal flared up, which caused serious concern among fans of the popular shooter …
Sony has not yet officially announced a list of games that will replenish the cloud service Playstation now in May, but last night there was a leak that revealed …
Polish studio Corpix games announced that it is preparing to release a hunting simulator Reptiles: In Hunt. Work on the game is almost complete, but the creators need the …
Moscow company Alter gamesconsisting of veterans Allodsteam, Nival Interactive, Skyriver and other studios, announced the acceptance of applications for participation in the closed beta testing of its debut game, …
Electronic Arts has decided not to abandon its plans and will host the digital play EA Play Live on June 12th. The event will be held throughout the day, …
On May 5th, the studio Saber interactive has outlined the release of a major DLC to a post-apocalyptic shooter World war z. Addition Marseilles will open players a number …
Though Alice: Madness Returns gradually approaching its tenth anniversary since the release, and the fate of a possible continuation is still in question, the gloomy image of Alice from …
This month marks exactly ten years since the last Prince of persiahowever, it is hoped that Ubisoft still not buried the series completely. Reddit users noticed that on Monday, …
Company Electronic arts and studio Respawn entertainment Star Wars Day Released Content Update for Adventure Action Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order. A free patch added “New game +“, battle …
In celebration of the DayStar wars” Studio Lucasfilm officially has announced the series for which the show runner is responsible “Nesting dolls” Leslie Headland. At the same time, the …