Category: New Game Release
Borrowing ideas in the video game industry are very common. Many super-popular franchises are based on the foundation that other studios have created. The developer comes up with an …
Microsoft already started work on the next update for Windows 10, code-named 20H2. And, although no major changes are expected in it, something new will appear there. The update …
A month ago, a skateboarding simulator Skater xl got release date, however now developers from Easy day studios postponed the release for three weeks – from July 7 to …
Popular blogger and founder of the Linus Media Group IT channel Linus sebastian apologized publicly for spreading misinformation about SSDs for the PlayStation 5 – he apologized to the …
We dug up adaptations that even their creators don’t remember. Recently, we published a dozen relatively good game adaptations. There were practically no surprises in that selection, because all …
Japanese studio Pocket pairknown for role-playing strategy Overdungeon, announced that in July will release in early access Steam your new project. It’s a sandbox Craftopia with “unlimited possibilities” and …
Studio Kleiknown for the series Don’t starve, in 2017 announced its new project, a card role-playing game Griftlands. But only now, the developers have announced that the game is …
Accurately, harmoniously and imperceptibly to integrate an Easter egg into the game is a great art. And sometimes designers succeed in it so much that they find hints and …
In the summer of 2018, it was reported that one of the creators Motorstorm and game director Driveclub Paul Rastchinski after the failure of the arcade race OnRush and …
At the end of May, the gaming division Amazon and team Relentless released in Steam team online shooter Crucible. But the release was unsuccessful: only 44% of the players …