Category: Game Type
Popular Russian artist and illustrator Ilya Kuvshinov will receive its own virtual exhibition. The platform for the event promises to be a popular application VRChat, and the date with …
Did you jump in mud and puddles in rubber boots as a child? An amazingly useless, but incredibly exciting activity. Approximately the same feeling did not leave me when …
A couple of weeks ago around the release of the soundtrack for the game Doom eternal scandal flared up, which caused serious concern among fans of the popular shooter …
Sony has not yet officially announced a list of games that will replenish the cloud service Playstation now in May, but last night there was a leak that revealed …
On May 5th, the studio Saber interactive has outlined the release of a major DLC to a post-apocalyptic shooter World war z. Addition Marseilles will open players a number …
This month marks exactly ten years since the last Prince of persiahowever, it is hoped that Ubisoft still not buried the series completely. Reddit users noticed that on Monday, …
Company Electronic arts and studio Respawn entertainment Star Wars Day Released Content Update for Adventure Action Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order. A free patch added “New game +“, battle …
Respawn on the day of “Star Wars” decided to please fans Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order unexpected free update. It is already available on PS4, Xbox One and PC. …
March 18, lead system architect Mark Zerny spoke in detail about the technical features Playstation 5. Among other things, he mentioned that Sony relies on sound. For its high-quality …
Popular YouTube video hosting today announced the signing of an exclusive deal with Felix “PewDiePie” Chelberg, which for many years has been one of the largest creators of content …