Category: Game Trailers
The network has new rumors about the plot The Last of Us: Part II. Information was published and then deleted on the portal 4Chan, therefore, it should be treated …
On the horror site RelyOnHorror, where various rumors about the games of the genre are often published, new unconfirmed information has appeared about Resident evil 8. According to the …
In February, it became known that the company Electronic arts signed an agreement with a Polish studio of visual effects and computer graphics Platige image. Under the contract, the …
Microsoft announced the launch of a digital store Xbox big spring sale games up to 70%. Holders Xbox one and Xbox 360 hundreds of great offers await. The action …
Independent Indie Studio Cellar door games using her own Twitter account, announced that a platformer with roguelike elements is being developed Rogue Legacy 2. Released in 2013, the original …
As we already know, not only Google and Microsoft Developed their streaming gaming platforms. It is reported that the American company Amazon preparing to compete with major players in …
The portal 9to5Macspecializing in news about Apple and its ecosystem, a reliable source was able to obtain new information about the latest entry-level iPhone model, including the marketing name, …
Studio developers MiHoYo published two fresh trailers of the upcoming role-playing action Genshin impact. This time, the creators presented a completely new character – the princess of condemnation and …
Publishing house Sega and studio Atlus introduced the trailer for an updated version of the game Persona 5, whose release in the West will take place on March 31, …
Publishing house Ubisoft introduced the trailer for a new update for the game Ghost recon: breakpointwhich is dedicated to crossover with Splinter cell. Chapter Fourth tier Sam Fisher collaborates …