Category: Xbox
Lately, a lot of rumors about the release date have been circulating on the net. Starfield is a massive sci-fi RPG from the authors of The Elder Scrolls V: …
Mass Effect Legendary Edition debuted at number one in the UK retail charts. The most successful was the PS4 version (68%). Another novelty of the week was Subnautica: Below …
Remastered Trophies Page Added to Exophase Saints Row: The Third for PlayStation 5. The updated version of the game can be launched on next-generation consoles for backward compatibility, however, …
Addition Odyssey for space simulator Elite dangerous will be released on May 19 on PC, but the developers from the studio Frontier Developments explained that initially DLC owners will …
Company SNK announcedwhat a fighting game release Samurai shodown in Steam will take place on June 14th. PC version of Samurai Shodown was exclusive Epic Games Store, where it …
In less than a month on streaming service Disney + a new miniseries production kicks off Marvel Studios – “Loki“. The six-part show will send the God of cunning …
Recently, as part of a live meeting with students from a New Zealand school Gabe Newell asked a question about whether Valve release their games on consoles or will …
Dude PS4 Fat looks like a midget on PS5 background … Badges? This one was licked by the Chinese brothers It’s just that for the 4th generation, the buyer …
Square Enix has dated the updated version Final fantasy xiv for Playstation 5… The release will take place May 25 simultaneously with patch 5.55. Reissue of FFXIV for PS5 …
At the beginning of this year Bethesda and MachineGames suddenly announced a game about Indiana Jones, presenting a short teaser without any details. Since then, the authors have no …