Category: Xbox
Xbox and Bethesda E3 Show Teaser Trailer Starfield contained a footnote stating that the game is being built using the new engine Creation Engine 2, and everything shown in …
Last week publishing house Electronic Arts presented the debut trailer Battlefield 2042… The announcement provoked an influx of players into Battlefied 4, because of which the company had to …
On the forum Electronic Arts the community manager of the company said that after the recent announcement Battlefield 2042 increased popularity Battlefield 4… However, the rise in popularity of …
RPG release nearing Cris talesconceived as a nod to all the classic jRPGs. And the publishing house Modus games with studios Dreams Uncorporated and SYCK published a colorful cinematic …
Creators Biomutant continue to improve their action – today a second major patch has been released for it with the addition of new features and fixes for shortcomings. Briefly …
Developers from the Ukrainian studio Frogwares shared another gameplay demonstration of the gameplay of their detective adventure Sherlock Holmes: Chapter One… In a new video, the authors of the …
We are clearly doing everything right, since you don’t notice it, but we are changing our engine, module by module, all the time. It is now very different from …
In September 2023, an independent studio Monster couch released in Steam peace strategy Wingspan, and the game has received overwhelmingly positive reviews. At the end of 2023, she appeared …
Channel VG Tech tested a demo of a role-playing action Stranger of Paradise: Final Fantasy Origin for Playstation 5… The demo offers two modes with priority on performance or …
Independent studio Phigames and publishing Dear villagers announced that research metroidvania with a hacker bias Recompile will be released in August 2023. And not only on the PC, as …