Category: Play Station 4/5
A curious incident happened at Portland International Airport in the USA. One of the passengers decided to pass the time in anticipation of his flight. To do this, he …
On the official french site Playstation there was information that the controller Dualshock 5 will be able to work in conjunction with the console Playstation 4. The device is …
According to an insider known in certain circles Tiduxnew generation console Playstation 5 will not support backward compatibility with Playstation 3. He wrote about this on his page on …
Portal Statement Kotaku about the upcoming release of Horizon: Zero Dawn on PC caused a big resonance in the network. Thousands of players around the world rushed to participate …
Franchise creator God of War David Jaffe spoke out at the request of fans about the timing of the presentation of the console Playstation 5. The developer noted that …
If in the case of Uncharted: Nathan Drake. Collection active subscribers to the service Playstation plus not really needed to explain why they should download a collection of three …
Former head of third-party collaboration at Sony Interactive Entertainment Jio corsi joined the studio Illfonicwho is currently creating a predator shooter Predator: Hunting Grounds. He will serve as Product …