Category: Game Platforms
Studio representatives EA Motive confirmed that to work on the recently announced full-fledged remake Dead space veterans of the series were involved, who worked in the now disbanded team …
Roskomnadzor should temporarily block access to game trailers Atomic heart on the portal Youtubewhich uses the song “Music has tied us“performed by the group”Mirage“. The corresponding decision was made …
Premiere of the first free RPG expansion Cyberpunk 2077 could take place in the next few days. To this as part of a recent online broadcast on Twitch hinted …
Streaming platform Twitch preparing to introduce regional subscription prices in Russia. It is expected that it will become significantly cheaper to support your favorite streamer within a few weeks.… …
In the credits of the series “Witcher“, Released on the channel Netflix, the work of the team of scriptwriters and of Andrzej Sapkowski himself, who wrote a mountain of …
Blue Box Game Studios Tweets Promo Art Abandoned… In addition to the name of the game and the platform on which it will be released, in the picture you …
Formally announced back in 2019 indie horror Hotel Barcelonacreated by game designers Goichi Courts and Hidetaki “Swery65” Suehiro, not canceled – the developers continue to discuss the project and …
The lawsuit against the culture of the student fraternity prevailing in Activision Blizzard, only recently reached court, but the company is already facing serious reputational losses. The culture of …
Spring edition Windows Central reportedthat studio IO Interactiveknown for making the series HITMAN, works with the support Microsoft over a new console exclusive for Xbox Series X | S …
Tomorrow, July 28, Square enix planned to release a mobile team action movie on iOS and Android NieR Recarnation… However, this may not happen: the company warnedthat the application …