Category: Game Platforms
Thanks new post on twitter Phil Spencer it became known that the head of the Xbox, along with his team is currently located in Japan. According to him, Microsoft …
Company Bethesda Game Studios, which is developing the next generation action The elder scrolls 6, finally revealed the latest information on the status expected by millions of fans of …
After success Marvel’s spider-man it is obvious to everyone that Sony will continue to develop the created universe, but so far the development of the sequel remains at the …
Last week Deep silver and 4A games confirmed long-circulating rumors about the upcoming exit Metro: Redux on the Nintendo switch. Similar to versions for Playstation 4 and Xbox one, …
One of the prime The Game Awards 2019 has become Godfall – the first officially announced project for the console Playstation 5. Today on Reddit there is a new …
New british chart published boxed sales. In the reporting week, a role-playing game managed to get to the top of the rating Dragon Ball Z: Kakarot, which was released …
What does a devkit look like? Playstation 5, we have long known, but now, thanks to a new leak, we now have the opportunity to look at a possible …
During today’s special live event, the company Bandai namco announced a game The idolmaster starlit seasonwhose Japanese release is scheduled for 2023 for Playstation 4 and PC. At the …
It became known that the expected post-apocalyptic action The last of us 2 may lose its exclusivity status for Sony gaming platforms and go to PC. Attentive gamers on …
Xbox Adaptive Controller is a special gamepad for people with disabilities, which is designed for the console from the company Microsoft and Windows. However, Briton Rory Steele, having worked …