Category: Nintendo Switch
Company Bethesda releases its mobile role-playing game on Nintendo Switch The elder scrolls: bladesbut does it somehow indecisively. Back in March, the company announced a future port, then information …
Publishing house Modus games Announces Casual Adventure On Nintendo Switch, PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and PC August 4 Skully. Studio is working on the game Finish line gamesmade famous …
Publishing house PQube announced that it will release a new studio game VEWO Interactive. Unlike mobile Nexomon version Nexomon: Extinction will be released on PlayStation 4, Xbox One, Nintendo …
Publishing house Epic games intends to make the fifth version of the graphics engine Unreal engine extremely flexible and scalable. Therefore, it can be used when developing games not …
For the hit role-playing game Disco elysium from Estonian developers from the studio ZA / UM Out A curious update that optimizes the game for weak computer hardware. Despite …
Studio Double finewhich is now under the wing Microsoft, intends to transfer remasters of classic games Lucasart on the Xbox One during 2023. About it Tim Shafer told outgoing …
Studio Palindrome interactive and publishing house Kalypso media announced the start of vampire wars. Role strategy Immortal Realms: Vampire Wars will be released on PC, PlayStation 4, Xbox One …
The cult figure of the world of cinema in the face of the director David Lynchknown for its attractively gloomy and surrealistic paintings “Mulholland Drive“,”Highway to nowhere“and serial”Twin peaks“begins …
According to material published Takashi mochizuki, editor of the publication Bloomberg, in the coming year, players around the world may face a shortage of game consoles Nintendo switch. The …
At the beginning of last year became knownthat the development of an adventure game Metroid Prime 4 was entrusted to the American team Retro studios – to the authors …