Category: News
Viewers “Armies of the Dead” Zack Snyder began to complain en masse about the film’s technical flaw – “dead pixels”. During the viewing, users noticed that such a flaw …
New part Final Fantasy in style Dark souls, which was first rumored over the weekend, will be “the darkest and bloodiest game in the series.” About this on the …
Lingering film adaptation of the puzzle Portal from Valve is under active development at the studio Warner bros… This information was confirmed for IGN Jay Jay Abrams as part …
Bank of non-core assets “Trust” filed a lawsuit against the owner of the network “Cinema Park” Alexander Mamut for 19.2 billion rubles. This is the fourth lawsuit over the …
Shooter Aromic heart from the Russian studio Mundfish has entered the final stage of production, according to the developers from the official Discord channel of the game. “The game …
Zombie action movie Zach Snyder, in which everything is done the way the director wants, but the viewer hardly wants. Today it is not so often recalled that Zack …
J.J. Abrams revealed that the film adaptation Portal, which was first talked about a few years ago, is still in active development. The director and screenwriter noted that Warner …
Creators Knockout City announcedthat multiplayer bouncers have already appreciated over 2 million players. Recall that the game was released last Friday, May 21, and until May 30 everyone can …
Developers from the studio SCS Software added to Euro Truck Simulator 2 and American Truck Simulator official support for multiplayer. While the innovation is available in experimental beta branches. …
First reviews Biomutant turned out to be mixed – someone praises the game, while others scold. On average, aggregators now have from 62 to 69 points, but about half …