Category: News
Military shooter Hell let loose, as recently announced, is about to leave Early Access. The release of the game is scheduled for July 27. And for this day, the …
Online festival starts in July WitcherCondedicated to the franchise “Witcher“. CD Projekt RED and Netflix’s streaming platform reveal what to expect from the upcoming event… An in-depth look at …
Company Blizzard before the release of the major update “Dominance ChainsĀ»To World of Warcraft: Shadowlands traditionally published another survival guide. The new video highlights the biggest innovations for players. …
Natus Vincere sensationally lost Team empire in qualifiers for The International 10 on Dota 2 and left the competition, taking 5th-6th place. Perhaps, many did not expect that the …
According to the developers, they have set themselves the goal of bringing multiplayer players into the larger Halo universe and giving them an important role in the events. Details …
Hasan Kahraman, head of the mysterious team Blue Box Game Studios, announced that the release of an interactive horror teaser app Abandoned on the console Playstation 5 postponed – …
Representatives Avast told that hackers use pirate games to mine cryptocurrency. The Crackonosh virus is placed in the project files, which secretly uses the power of the PC to …
Studio application Blue Box Game Studios allegedly was intended for viewing trailers, although why the authors went to such difficulties is not completely clear. This decision once again pushed …
One of the largest western video game portals IGN published the top best according to the edition of the multiplayer role-playing games (MMORPG). The list includes ten titles. All …
Despite the fact that the last ceremony “Oscar” took place two months ago, the organizers announced the upcoming special awards. Thus, four artists will receive honorary statuettes for their …