Category: Games Updates
Company Sony Interactive Entertainment registered a new patent for the updated interface of the digital platform PlayStation Store… The document details how the store may change in the foreseeable …
Company Ubisoft suddenly announced that today, on August 24 at 9:00 Moscow time, a free update 1.6.0 will be released for Assassin’s Creed: Odyssey with 60 FPS support on …
EA launched a new update for its multiplayer bouncers Knockout City – now the game has superpowers. True, for a limited period: from August 24 to September 7. The …
Security expert johnat discovered a “hole” in the software for the brand’s gaming peripherals Razer Synapse… It allows you to get administrator rights in Windows 10 or Windows 11 …
Many even before the release had questions about the director’s cut, the innovations of which were the Iki Island add-on, 4K 60FPS support, lip-sync fixes for Japanese dubbing, and …
Insomniac Games studio has published an update 1.005 for Spider-Man: Remastered on Playstation 5… The patch was the first in six months since the previous “patch”, released in February. …
To the editorial board of the portal the test got a fresh computer mouse from the company ASUS – model ROG Keris Wireless… This lightweight wireless gaming mouse …
Maud Fallout: London for Fallout 4 has not yet been released, but has already given an excellent result, which can speak volumes about the quality of its narrative part. …
Microsoft and studio Asobo announced that the next update, World Update 6, for Microsoft Flight Simulator will not come out on time. Its release was delayed until September 7th …
Microsoft and studio 343 Industries published a new update on the progress of the development of the shooter Halo: Infinite… The developers have stated that they do not yet …