Category: Gameplay Videos
Video games are still generally viewed as entertainment. And yet, behind the beautiful wrapper, there is often something deeper hidden, right down to whole philosophical concepts. offers a …
Polish studio Techland has published a new video dedicated to the zombie action movie in development Dying light 2… In him Timon Smectala, senior game designer of the project, …
The deficit in the gaming hardware market continues, and it will not soon, most likely, let go of the industry. The latest consoles, graphics cards and gaming laptops are …
Publisher Eastasiasoft announced that the western release of the action RPG Xuan-Yuan Sword VIIdeveloped by the studios Softstar Entertainment, DOMO Studio and Yooreka Studio, will take place on Playstation …
Announced a few years ago by a Korean solo developer Ian Bean stylish action Lost Soul Aside is now being developed not only for Playstation 4, and for Playstation …
Voice actor Alexander Vilkov in early April in his Instagram-account stated that “just started voice acting” S.T.A.L.K.E.R. 2 and that they want to release the game by this winter. …
Publisher Square enix and developers from the studio Deck Nine published two new videos on Life is Strange: True Colorsdedicated to the characters Alex and Steph. The first video …
Techland released the first video from the Q&A session, where the developers answer fans’ questions Dying light… In the debut video of the series, most of the information has …
What kind of computer to build for games. Five builds with an upgrade: from budget to top-end. We have been putting this material on the back burner for a …
On April 16, the updated Tuscan for CS: GO was added to the Steam Workshop. Now everyone can try the map, but it is not yet available in matchmaking. …