Category: Cosplay
Marye Le Fay introduced cosplay to the Valkyrie Hildr, daughter of Högni from God of War. The girl made armor and wings that spread automatically. The work process and …
Apex Legends fan cosplayed the Revenant robot. The new character of the “royal battle” from Respawn Entertainment should appear in the game with the start of the fourth season. …
Chinese bodybuilder and cosplayer Yuan Herong described how she helps treat patients with coronavirus. As a medical doctor by training, she went to Shandong Province to help her colleagues …
Former carry line-up Cloud9 Zachary Sneaky Scuderi showed cosplay to Champion Xayah of League of Legends. For reincarnation, he chose an in-game image from the Star Guardian kit. 1/3 …
Cosplayer INOE recreated the image of Kitana from Mortal Kombat. The girl posted photos on VKontakte and talked about the shooting process. According to INOE, She does not like …
Professional player at Super Smash Bros. Ezra Samsora Morris from the eUnited team recreated the female version of the villain Bowser from the games of the Super Mario universe …
Cosplay model Chihiro Chang recreated the image of Ada Wong from the Capcom Resident Evil series of games. The girl used a red dress traditional for the hero in …
Despite the fact that a hotly awaited remake is already looming on the horizon Resident evil 3, cosplayers still do not lose interest in the updated version of the …
Cosplayer Stanislav Kawaiitsu Anushkina transformed into D.Va from Overwatch. She took the legendary skin for the hero of the Order Guard as the basis of the costume. According to …
Recent ad about transferring a remake Final Fantasy VII From March 3 to April 10 this year, fans were upset, but fortunately, high-quality cosplay of familiar game heroines can …