Category: News
Company Blizzard announced a new PvE add-on for Hearthstonedubbed “Awakening Galacrond“It will be released on January 21 and bring 24 challenging battles and 35 new maps to the game. …
The American model Bella Hadid, called by many fashion experts the most beautiful girl in the world, took off all that was superfluous and showed what fans were waiting …
Singer and actress Anna Shurochkina, known as Nyusha, uploaded fresh footage on the network, in which the celebrity took off all that was superfluous, got wet and knelt in …
Introduced a new version of the graphics API Vulkan under number 1.2. This standard is being developed by the consortium. Khronos and the latest version includes 23 changes and …
Company Blizzard entertainment announced the release of the update “Visions of N’Zoth“for World of warcraft. It completes the story told in the appendix Battle for Azeroth. In addition, new …
The famous singer Nastya Kamensky decided to please her fans, and uploaded a new photo, which she shot with a smile almost without anything, clearly showing all her virtues. …
Streaming channel Netflix announced that the series You (“You”) will continue. Fans of the story of Joe Goldberg are waiting for the third season of the drama series. In …
Traditional sports and e-sports go hand in hand – the older brother teaches his quick and young relative professionalism and order, and he “spies” how to work with the …
Company Capcom released a press release with up-to-date role-playing action sales Monster hunter: world and extensions Iceborne. As of January 2, the total sales of the game reached a …
Stanislava Kawaiitsu Anushkina published a cosplay photo shoot in the image of D.Va from Overwatch. The girl took the Academy skin, released in honor of the anniversary of the …